won't keep me signed in

Discussion in 'News and Site Support' started by DarinRay, Apr 25, 2008.

  1. DarinRay

    DarinRay Member

    I am wondering if it's me or are there others that have to sign in every time you visit. Before it would remember me and just load page. Just checking. :confused:

  2. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

    This means one of two things.

    1. Your not checkiing the "Remember Me" box
    2. Someones hiding something (Clearing the cookies).
  3. DarinRay

    DarinRay Member

    I actually have checked the box in every login. I can sign in and then 5 mins later have to sign in again. ? Hmm. Always has worked before and it's only been the last week or so. Darin
  4. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

  5. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

    Another thing. If you use the "Log out" feature this will happen as well. You can also try to use it to clear this sites cookies. After logging in with the "remember me" option use the "Log Out" feature to clear any cookies that may be stored, then login again to see if it fixes the problem.

  6. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    The default install of vBulletin is set to 900 seconds. If people would want me to change this I can.
  7. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

    Given the fact that most people don't use the "Log Out" option I would keep it where it is in order to maintain memory and performance on the server. I think that 15 minutes of inactivity is more that enough to assume the user is no longer visiting the site anymore. If the user has the site open the rotating banner keeps the session alive every 1-2 minutes. This has just been my experience with web servers.

  8. DarinRay

    DarinRay Member

    When you come back in to view do you have to always log in again? Not sure what change on my end but now this site won't remember me. :( I know I'm nothing special but. :) :) I actually enabled minitrucktalk.com to allow cookies always and it still didn't work.. Oh man I wish i was smarter. :) Darin
  9. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

    I'm not sure why this is happening. As long as you use the "Remember Me" option it should keep you logged in using cookies. I assume you tried everything I suggessted. Are you using Internet Explorer 7?

  10. DarinRay

    DarinRay Member

    Finally got the problem solved. I just found that there actually were 3 cookies from minitrucktalk stored so I deleted them all and now works like a charm. :) I am using 7.0 and thanks for all the help Greg.

  11. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    I'm personally not a fan of IE 7, it has so many problems and a funny thing is.... you can't use Outlook 2003 Webmail with IE 7 with out a huge work around, thats their own product. Try http://www.firefox.com it just works.
  12. DarinRay

    DarinRay Member

    Sounds good I'll take a look. Thanks


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