trouble navigating to the photo gallery

Discussion in 'News and Site Support' started by Dan, Mar 11, 2010.

  1. Dan

    Dan Member

    i've logged in and tried to go to the galleries and find none of mine there.also tried to go there through my (user cp) option and its says i have nothing... a little help please
  2. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    If you go here you don't see your photos?
  3. Dan

    Dan Member

    ok, if i go there, i see them...thanks.

    ...but,...if i go to the "pictures and albums" option when i use the dropdown menu from the "community" option at the top of the page. I don't see anything and the same from within my "user cp" . shouldn't all of those send me to the same place as the gallery link?
  4. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    Nope that is the vBulletin albums and pictures. The other one is a addon that I added. Two different ones.
  5. tob

    tob Member

    I've tried to delete my photos so I can update them but no use. What is going on???

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