After buying a set of the commonly suggested NGK plugs (which are 12mm), I discovered that my Carry has 14mm plug threads and that the hex on the plugs is 13/16". It seems that most of the videos and specs listed are for the 12 valve heads with the plug accessed thru the valve covers but I did find one video of a guy with an earlier model that also had 14mm plugs. The only difference was his had a 5/8" hex and were iridium whereas mine had a platinum tip plug with 13/16" hex. The good news was that a normal plug wrench could be used rather than a slim jim type. The bad news is that they are not easy to see or access. NGK 5464 is iridium with a 5/8" hex. NGK 3573 is platinum with a 13/16" hex. Both have 14mm threads, 19mm reach, and are listed as heat range 5. Both are resistor plugs. I did not look up a cross into a copper plug but I am sure there are some cross overs. Hope this helps down the line.
Steve, Welcome! Great Info! Keep it Coming! Please go to your Signature and add your info! It helps us out a lot! Thanks Again! Limestone