Has anyone bought replacment carburetor from GR imports.Talked to parts guy and he stated they were good carbs.I can have mine rebuilt by them or by their replacment about $150 dollars difference. New carb is less expensive.B oth are 5 port. Any thoughts comments or suggestions. TIA
What makes you think the carb needs replacing? Either way you could get the carb from them and still have the same issue unless you are sure about the cause. Personally I would rebuild it myself (which I just finished doing for my van). Its not hard. The hardest part is trakcing the vacuum and coolant hoses that were disconnected and getting it back in there right.
Was having choke problems at start up. Would not move choke up 15% on start up. Which caused rich fuel mixture with slight black smoke and and bad fumes. After spraying really well with PB blaster and moving parts around with small screw driver. Seems to have solved issue.