Okay I am new on here I have been bugging a few of you with some questions about some problems I have had but anyway here are some pics of what I am putting together. I might do a few more of these after this one. Let me know what you guys think!
nice work..reminds me of the Boonie Bug from the 70s but yours is way cooler http://www.rqriley.com/b-bug.html
Haha yeah I have never seen one of those, if I could just make my doors go straight up it would be very close.
Thats pretty amazing hows they can shape those vehicles, that would take some serious talent. Also: I am looking for someone to redo my seat or buy new ones for this truck, the drivers seat is pretty junky and they are stained. Anyone know where I could pick up another set of seats or who could redo these for me? Thanks Andre
lol the boogie van site is funny. ya try any upholster now its slow out. im sure if you yank them, take them to him and ask for a recover he will be happy for some business. also, do not go with pleather, vinyl or any kinda plastics. winter will freeze your butt and summer will bake it on lol.
New Pics of my Build Here are some new pics of my build, we just got it all painted up and now I just gotta hang the doors and finish a little work inside the cab.
Thanks! ive been workin hard on it. Im getting ready to put a back up camera on it, and finish the speakers inside the cab.
Looks nice. What do you carry behind all those doors? Looks like it's customized for some very specific purpose.
Where are you? I went to the local upholstery shop here and got a quote of 250 for leather. but my dealer thought he was paying 350 lol get it confirmed now all i need is the cash got the color picked
Great build! How well did the push truck work? I want to build a mini truck/ sprint car push truck as well. Can you share more pictures?
Yeah, I agree! Layfield11, posted that on OCT. 7, 2009! His last post was on Sept. 6, 2011! He talked about possibly doing more, or at least another one! Very talented, great workmanship! It'd be great if he is still around and would post some more! Limestone