also pulled the transaxle apart and welded up the diff, time to put the motor back in for last time hopefully.
I can't wait to do this job. Me don't think its gonna be very fun. :frustration: I got an Ideal 250W tire iron my neighbor gave to me. I'm gonna give it a go and see what I come up with.
Your trucks an auto Ive never had one apart myself I would think its a little more involved than a manual. good looking out on the drive-shaft issue I'll keep an eye out for it when shes done.
Have you thought any more on your steering, my room mate and I are both building one of these right now. Currently he is thinking about an fj 40 box, 1 idea I am thinking about throwing into the mix is the box off of a izuzu or a toyota rack n axle -shawn
I'm pretty sure I'm just going to use the stock rack with a short link to a idler arm then back down to axle. Seems that is going to be the easiest way to do it without getting super complicated. Curious how the steering shaft from the steering wheel works as the axle moves
I did swap out the stock rear leafs for a set with a little more arch to them, after the engines back in and I build a bed for it it should sit nice and level.
well no new updates me and the miss's are getting separated so i haven't really had time yo mess with it any. I will be back on it soon though.
still nothing new the b@#ch really screwed me over when she walked out so I've been having a time getting my fianances back straight. Soon though I'll be back in full swing and have this joker rolling.
So things have been getting better and some work has been done, a buddy started helping me with the wiring(had it running but have an intermittin issue) got parts in to make shifters work and steering parts, started building the bed and added new drivers seat.
Well theres no footage but it made a lap around the neighborhood before it broke a belt and died on me, needs a new alt belt and new battery and ill put some vids up of tearing up the streets lol