After reading all the info I decided on the Afco 10"/250lb front springs. I'm very pleased w/ the results and my choice of spring rate. It raised the truck about an inch with no one in the truck and it doesn't sink near as much when two people get in. Effectively it sits 1.5-2" higher when loaded and doesn't feel like your going to hit the nose going through dips offroad. With two tires off the ground in the woods the loaded front was not on the bump stop now(the rear was). Also, I think the weight of a plow would not even faze the truck now. For me, 275lb springs would have been too stiff and mine is a newer, heavier truck. If I had a pre-99 truck I might would have used 225lb springs. It took ~30 minutes per side to install and I found it easiest to compress the springs w/ ratchet straps and reassemble the strut off the truck. It was going to be very difficult to get the strut back together w/ the weight of the truck. The one decision I struggled with was to get the 10"/250lb or 12"/225lb springs and cut them to 10". The cut springs might have fit the perches more like the stock springs whereas the 10" Afcos are flat on both ends and bow sideways a little when installed. I decided on the 10" so I didn't have to cut and they worked out OK. Here are some pics. Before install (unloaded) After install After install
I'm not sure. I may make 1-1.5" longer shackles and see how it looks. If I raise the rear though my front approach angle suffers. I'm thinking I may make 1.5" lift blocks for the front, if so I will def raise the back. I just don't want to tear up CV's and I like how it sits pretty well now... Bob
I did the same thing... only I bought the cheaper 250# springs from Jegs. I forget the name of them off the top of my head but anyway I know I wouldn't be able to turn without my tires rubbing a TON (they do still rub a tad, I need to do a little more trimming...) with my plow on if I didn't have the heavier springs.
Just to be clear, Bob, those springs are THESE? With a 2.625" diameter? I notice that there are also some othere options such as THIS which they say is 2.5" diameter (inside? outside?). And THIS one too I want to make sure I get the right thing. Thanks.
Yes, those are the same. Part no. 23250. Something I forgot to mention, the new springs are 1/4" smaller outside diameter which gave a little more tire clearance.
Thanks guys. And I actually could use a little more clearance between the spring and the tire so that's a good thing too.
Has anyone replaced their front springs on a Sambar.These look to be the same size as my 97 KS4.Any imput will be appreciated
From what I've read here most of our trucks have similar size struts/springs. My only comment is the pre-99 trucks are smaller/lighter and may work better w/ 200-225 pound springs. I think your stock springs are in the 160 pound range. Unlike my truck, the weight of your powertrain is all the way at the back also. Just my 2 cents... Bob
I had never heard of it. I did look it up. seems interesting. I wonder if you can ride anything other than a motorcycle. I also noted that it says you can only ride east to west. Don't understand why??? pretty cool
You can use any street legal vehicle is my understanding. My thought was to use the Hijet as a chase vehicle if I can get away w/ driving it on the street sections in TN? I have purchased the roll maps for TN (600 miles from Jellico to s. of Memphis). The maps are only sold in east to west format but I transferred the track into my Garmin and can reverse the route. My friend has a place at Norris about 20mi from trailhead. Was just curious if you knew of it....looks like you're into off-road. Mind if I ask which Spring Hill? Bob
Here's the link to the QA1 springs I used for those who want to save a couple bucks... Er. I guess that's the whole page. Here's the actual spring I purchased:
Hi guys new to this i have a 1993 s83p hijet and i used the 10X250 springs the qa1 and the work great on it the wight ratio is perfect i wouldn't go with any lighter it acutally lifted my truck 2 in in the front had to take the lift kit out
Rear shackles Made some +2" rear shackles today. Going to make 1" blocks for front and I'm done...yeah right. Before After
I only drive short distances on road by farm. They are noisy but stability is fine at 40mph. I think Carlisle claims the compound is suitable for hard surfaces. They wouldn't be my choice for street use though. Bob
just not a happy medium when it comes to tires on these trucks. I have a 22-25 mile drive to the hunting club, top speed would be 55 to 60. Then the need for street tires ends. I have firestone destination at's on my dodge 4x4 and they seem to do good when it is bad muddy. we have a couple of roads (trails) I am a little leary of. the dodge is just to heavy to run on them unless it is really dry. Of course the best hunting is at the very end of them. I saw some 13" kuhmos at walmart today that might be alright as light as those truck are.
Try running a set of these. They are GT Radial WT winter tires. The compound is hard enough that they can be used all year around and have good traction in the mud and snow. Cheap as well.
1" Front Spacers Made these 1" spacers today from stainless 4" pipe. May be a little nose high now but reduces likelihood of hitting the bumper. Now I'm done...could add higher holes to my shackles though. To recap, I think I ended up w/ more actual lift under load going w/ 1" spring+1" spacer lift than 2" spacer on stock springs. The ride is a little bouncy in the front on pavement but makes you feel more confident off road. I know this lift is nothing compared to some but I really am enjoying the little truck! Bob Before After