Leoville ATV Rally

Discussion in 'Canada' started by SaskCarry, Jul 31, 2009.

  1. SaskCarry

    SaskCarry Member

    Taking my '93 Carry on the ATV Rally this weekend, about 7 miles east of Leoville (Hwy 3 to Spiritwood, North on Hwy 24 to Leoville, then East 7 miles. Watch for the signs to Trailriders Rodeo grounds.) It is going to be a great day with the Trailriders Rodeo Dance that night and Rodeo on Sunday. There is plenty of space to camp on site.
    I was up at Lac Eauclaire again for the past few days exploring more of the trails. Climbed some awesome hills, saw the sites and found Mystery Lake!
  2. SaskCarry

    SaskCarry Member

    The rally was great and my Suzuki impressed a lot of people on the trail. It was a challenge and a few poor navigational decisions led to a few times being stuck (once with the front end sunk up to the headlights in mud and water) but overall the minitruck handled the ATV trail very well. Next project will be putting receivers front and back so I can mount a portable winch. Then I'll be able to get myself out of my own bad decisions ;) I'll be putting a few pics up in al album.

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