Led's Didn't disconnect anything on mine. I did do one thing wrong I connected the turn and brake together (light was a three wire) and when you turn on the turn signal left or right it was just like the flasher had been turned on. I saw where someone posted that they need to be seperate. So I will need to buy turn signal lights and put them to individual lights.
You can just install a tail light converter. It will take a stop/tail with seperate turn wires and convert it to stop/turn/tail (3 wire) light.
Finally made a video of the LED full changeover...saves around 14 amps by my math ..Prob have around $1500 worth of LEDs in my collection in the garage (a bit impulsive with the "buy it now" button ..I will add a photo to this post later of all the bulbs I have sitting around cause I've been organizing the garage and it became a little freaky to see how many were jammed in all over the place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwxbQT15AuM
I didn't bothr with an electronic flasher...actually research has proven the faster something flashed the more people notice it,so fast flashing could be a good idea in the long run
I put one on mine. I think it was a 2 wire grote with a ground wire. Seems to me there are 3 wires on a carry but you only use 2 of them and have to swap 2 around IIRC
oh. looks pretty normal to me. I kinda figured the same thing when i switched mine over to LED, that and the electronic flashers were pricey! I just wasn't sure if you used inline resistors... those are pretty much pointless when it comes to load reduction.
When I changed over my sons bike they flashed faster..but the Daihatsu is only faster flashing when using turn signals....when the 4 ways are on there must be enough resistance (with 6 bulbs powered) that the flasher is mostly normal.....yeah if the goal is to reduce load..adding resistance is kinda like pissing into the wind
hmmm. mine flashes fast even with the hazard on. Maybe because my light assemblies are aftermarket I kinda like the strobe effect it makes though.
did you notice anything odd about my truck???....after 2 broken radio antennas (car wash hose loves snagging it) I removed it welded up the mounting holes and mounted an amplified one on the inside of the windshield over the rear view mirror...
hey fupa, you think you could post a list for those of us that are a little thick headed. It would be great to have a list of bulbs by type. I.e. Instrument panel, turn signals, etc
went one better and made a video of the bulbs and locations so you could see them more easily...as I mentioned at the end of this vid. the LED bullet bulb was the correct one for the interior dome light and was popped in after I finished recording....sorry for dropping everything in the video...spinal chord injury years ago left me with no feeling in my hands and I have to watch them and concentrate to work em properly...also try saying single/double pole bulb a few times fast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra4aa-zQ4WY
Where do you get your LED's? Some that I have searched for sell for $30 a piece! If you paid that much, you have quite the stash there....:sly:
Lol ya the stash is much bigger too...2 more boxes the same as the one in the vid full as well...I went a bit nuts buying them I guess...I never paid $30 for any individual bulb...the most I paid was around $10....deal extreme has a ton and they are much cheaper than ebay...all with free shipping as well
The term they use now days is hyper-flashing, but yours doesn't seem too bad with the 4-ways on. The electronic flashers are not just a resistance adder, they actually don't care about the resistance, they use a solid state timer. So, no matter what the load is the flash time stays the same, there are electronic units out there that are actually time adjustable. Man, I can't wait until my truck looks as nice as yours Fupa. Pat
Yeah they have a ton of bulbs on there...the shipping sometimes takes a while but for the price you can't beat it...you can also upgrade to quicker shipping fairly cheaply
I have been changing the bulbs to led's on the Atrai and the Sambar. The turn lights on the Sambar go like a bat out of hell. The ones on the Atrai seem to be going at normal speed but when I tried to replace the front turn signal lights, the bulbs would not work. I hope to replace the dash lights in the Atrai (I find the lights in there now are too dim for my liking). Will the faster flash rate on the Sambar damage anything?
no the faster flashing won't hurt anything..there is a benefit to the quicker flashing though...our brains are wired to take notice of anything out of the ordinary...so when a saber-toothed beaver wandered into the camp of our ancestors they would note the oddity and take the necessary steps to save their lives....quicker flashing is safer because it's out of the ordinary......being less noticeable is only good when going to the mailbox wearing your wife's panties.....don't ask how I know but, suffice to say it was a dare involving alcohol I shouldn't have accepted.
lol, that's more information than I need to know I'll have to figure out why the bulbs would not work in the front turns signals of the Atrai( when it's warmer ). I wonder if I can replace the bulbs( to led's ) in the Piaa fog lamps on the Sambar?
unless you get a cree type led bulb for the fogs they will light up fine but have no useful output....I replaced my h5 halogens with h5 leds and they were useless so I just used them as drls....
http://www.superbrightleds.com/ http://www.superbrightleds.com/cgi-...tion=DispPage&Page2Disp=/specs/CF13JL-02.html This is where I go for all my LED needs. I am doing all the lights in and outside. The second link should take you to a flasher relay page that has a rely for Japanese trucks. We will see when that stuff gets here if it works and the blinkers flash at the right pace. By all the lights I mean all of them. I have bought lights for the gauge cluster and I wired in some cabin lights so when the driver door is open I get blue light. the only lights I can't do are the head lights and I am looking into universal projectors, but am worried that I won' pass the JCI inspection if I have projectors on a 90 Carry.