Insurance, what are the typical cost?

Discussion in 'Mini Lounge' started by Fierce, Oct 31, 2016.

  1. Fierce

    Fierce New Member

    IMG_5516.JPG Called to add my new DD51T to our insurance policy, first had to convince them the VIN was the VIN lol then all good but for Full Coverage was $201 a month!! (Classified as a Specialty Vehicle) I have a 2012 Ram Dually, 2013 Avenger, a 2008 48 foot enclosed trailer with living quarters and a 1999 Suburban plow truck all with Full Coverage for the same cost a month as they wanted just for the mini truck.

    To add it to the policy with just Liability is $3 a month and to do Liability with Fire and Theft is $88.00. I opted for the $88.00 a month "deal" lol.

    This seem normal to what others are seeing?

  2. jarrod

    jarrod New Member

    That's about what they quoted me at 80$ a month from progressive, and they were Insure it as a kit car which I thought was weird, I'm still searching around for a insurance an farm bureau would do if I was Already a existing member.
  3. Jdmonealp

    Jdmonealp Member

    That's not entirely true with progressive, unless they don't like that its newer than 25 yr old. I had to talk with them for a bit before they would insure mine... they wanted me to have a commercial account. I said.. "UHHH, why? can I insure a ford ranger? its the same concept. its a $3000 truck that is epa and dot legal to drive, I want minimum coverage". I was put on hold for 5 min. she came back and put it on my policy for $12/mo. Now I have my Acty Street van on the same policy and it is $11 a month
    Wham likes this.
  4. jarrod

    jarrod New Member

    where are you located in Indiana I'm in the far south 20 mins from Kentucky, I tried to convince progressive but they seemed not to budge at all and wanted to keep it as a kit car, which agency was it in Indiana if you don't mind.
  5. Jdmonealp

    Jdmonealp Member

    Indianapolis. And I called 1800 progressive. I'd call again and talk with a manager if possible. I'd let them know that it is truck that is 100% legal to own, and you are legally required to have insurance. Also give the value of the truck, that seemed to be the tipping point for mine. Like "ohh, it's $3000, ok". They are insuring it wrong as a kit car.

    Now, if you are trying to go full coverage, I can see the, charging a lot. It's basically a guarantee that it will be totaled for any small fender bender. Parts are unavailable, and if they are, $800 for a fender or something silly like that. So they will charge way more for full coverage because you can literally bump into something and total it.

    Does your state have specific mini truck laws?
  6. jarrod

    jarrod New Member

    Yes I live in Indiana same as you
  7. Jdmonealp

    Jdmonealp Member

    Oh wow. I missed that part. Lol.

    Then for sure. Progressive 1800 number. They had to put xxxx in front of the vin to get it the right length. But with our state specific mini truck laws, it should be easy.
  8. jarrod

    jarrod New Member

    Should be but it's been rather disappointing and I plan on trying what you did,thanks for the help

    KKVEGAS New Member

    I called my American Family agent office they took my info and were trying to figure out if it would be classified as a ATV or vehicle. they called me back later that day and advised that underwriting determined it was a truck, bottom line i got comprehensive/collision 500 deductible, and full glass coverage for $48.00 a month.
  10. NefariousYellow

    NefariousYellow New Member

    I work for State Farm and got my 89 Sambar insured for $15 a month full coverage!

    Not crappy liability limits either. 250/500/100 (minimum needed in order for me to maintain my umbrella policy) and $50 deductibles for comprehensive and collission claims.

    Give your local State Farm agent a call. They'll be able to help you.
    Robert J Litzinger and Wham like this.
  11. Will Von Wizlepig

    Will Von Wizlepig New Member

    I just got my truck covered, however, when I called Progressive a couple of months ago to look into what it would cost, I got someone on the phone who made it seem like insuring a mini-truck would be a nightmare and too hard and I think I sat on the phone with this guy for 1.5 hours.

    Well, on Sunday when I looked into getting my new truck hooked up, I used the online chat from the Progressive website, and this guy got me taken care of and done in about 25 minutes.

    If you contact your insurance company and they give you the run-around or make it seem like it's going to be difficult, try calling back later. No idea why you get such a grab-bag experience with trying to insure things.

    My rate is a little difficult to calculate- it's $308 every 6 months, but that includes my other truck, car, and scooter, too, but I forget what it was beforehand. I am also 47, so, I get that old guy discount.
  12. Stan

    Stan New Member

    When I got my truck since it was registered to my company as a shop truck/runner I just called my insurance company commercial and told him I want it fully insured that fire damage comp collision all that crap. Cost me $316 added to the policy but the policy rolls in May and it's a one-year policy so she had to add the xxxx in front of the Vin number to make it work but they didn't have an issue. And this is liberty mutual, wa state
  13. AwesomeSauce

    AwesomeSauce New Member

    I know that this is an older thread but I just wanted to chime in my experience getting my truck insured here in Michigan. I called Farmers, State Farm, Auto Owners, Esurance, Allstate, Geico, AAA, and Liberty. None would insure the truck here in Michigan. They all said the same thing, the VIN being the frame number wouldn't go into their system. I was finally able to get it insured through Progressive without any issues though. I told them what it was and they knew what it was and what to do. $68 a month for state minimum. Not too bad. Only about $10 more a month than what I was paying for my 2010 Ford Focus.
  14. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Active Member

    I found pretty much the same here in California,mine is $286 every 6 months and that is for the minimum legal liability for me only, to add my wife it would double.
  15. AwesomeSauce

    AwesomeSauce New Member

    Yeah I told them not to put my old lady as a driver on it otherwise it would of been more. She has her Jeep anyways and doesn't like to drive stick. Her loss!
  16. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    Mine is $179/year. But, I’m an old guy, who teaches defensive driving, and hasn’t had an at fault accident since 1980, and lives in a state where insurance costs less in general.
  17. Isetta

    Isetta New Member

    Just insured my 1988 Acty in Michigan. $250 for 6 months with $100 deductible via State Farm. They blinked at the short VIN but figured it out after talking with someone.
  18. tuanies

    tuanies New Member

    I go through Hagerty - it's $250/year with full coverage and insured for the value of $5000
  19. Isetta

    Isetta New Member

    Does the insurance from Hagerty have some rules about when and where you can drive?
  20. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Active Member

    When I first got mine, my insurance agent got me a policy through Hagerty but they sent me a cancellation notice within about a week saying they could not insure that type of vehicle. I ended up having to go with Progressive on my own because my agent won't deal with them. A lot more $$ and minimal coverage.
  21. DWils

    DWils Member

    1992 Honda Acty SDX van registered and insured for on-road use. Insurance on it is $192/year through Progressive. That's on a policy with three other motorcycles (Progressive considers it a motorcycle because the company I use to insure my cars, SafeCO, won't insure it) and Progressive gives more of a discount when you add more vehicles. My total policy cost actually decreased by about $100/year when I added the Acty. And that's with $100k/$300k coverage. The Acty is insured for slightly more than how much I paid for it.
  22. Keys

    Keys New Member

    I had very bad experience with Progressive so I went with The Hartford through AARP. $292.00 per year.
  23. William Turner

    William Turner New Member

    I have my Subaru Sambar insured through Farm Bureau with my other vehicles. Liability is about $20. per month. Only problem was the short VIN number but it finally went through.
  24. Reticent Sage

    Reticent Sage New Member

    Classify it as a flatbed pickup and you should be golden. It worked for me at least with SF.
  25. installater

    installater Active Member

    Thanks tuanies, just got a quote from them $208/year full cov. and value
    sent Pics will know in a few days
  26. installater

    installater Active Member

    I just signed up with Hagerty 2 days ago!
    In fact it was Tuanies post that me call em
    Just had to send a few pics and it was a done deal
    Great coverage and Price
  27. banzairx7

    banzairx7 Active Member

    Hagerty's wanted $700/yr for my Sambar. I ended up using Heacock. They were $260/yr with zero deductibles and $8k agreed value.
  28. Robert J Litzinger

    Robert J Litzinger New Member

    State Farm is my primary insurer. They immediately came back with a nice quote. My agent basically said they will insure anything these days lol.
  29. C. D.

    C. D. New Member

    I'd love to get details and contact information for your agent on this! My State Farm guy was like "I'm sorry, it doesn't look like we insure these types of vehicles." (Mississippi).
  30. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    My Hijet is on a policy with Progressive. We had to pad teh VIN a bit to get enough numbers.
    C. D. likes this.

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