I decided that i would turn this into a how to remove thread for anyone. If you want to know how to remove something just ask here.
can get at almost any auto parts store http://www.dallasmustang.com/product.php?productid=1124&cat=277&page=1 proceedure http://www.ehow.com/how_2112895_install-car-window-crank-handles.html
Just use a rag and run it back and forth between the door panel and the handle..like you are sawing the handle off with it...it will grab the clip and pop it off
depends on whether there is sealant in the rubber moulding or not..if there isn't spray pb blaster or wd40 around under the moulding and let it sit..silicone spray the rubber inside and out and let it soak in a day or so...I'm pretty sure the windshield is held in by the rubber moulding only just like in the old VW beetle or BMW 3 series....the moulding needs to be warm as well so it's pliable...use a tongue depresser or wooden paint stir stick to pry up the rubber from inside the cab and gently press outwards at the same time...again the rubber needs to be very warm or there will be too much pressure on the glass....I've removed a ton of VW bug/Porsche windshields and only broke the first one..once you have the method down it's not that tough...if you use anything metal..it will break the windshield...if you use anything pointy,same result.....after all that I checked youtube and found this:frustration: http://www.5min.com/Video/How-to-Remove-a-Classic-Volkswagen-Beetle-Window-252164804 same idea....follow his video for re-installation...I haven't watched the installation vid but if he doesnt recommend a greased/oiled rope...make sure to lube the rope..makes it mutch easier...hmmm that sounds kinky huh?
How do i remove the steering wheel on a s80 hijet? i took off the little horn cover and the nut in the center. I've been tapping the bottom of the steering wheel with a rubber mallet. Do i just keep beating on it until it pops off?
There are two tapped holes on either side of the main hold down nut. These are for a 2 prong wheel puller that can be purchaced or loaned from the Autoparts store. I have pretzeled a stearing wheel trying to pull it off by hand when I could not get a puller. It came off with a grunt and a tooth. Get the proper puller and do it correctly and safely. Robert
HHmmm ...I have removed many many steering wheels and never needed a puller...grab the wheel in the 9 and 3 positions and kinda do the groundhog dance from caddyshack..left pull while right pushes then alternate..in out in out.wiggling quickly..honestly...this has worked at least 100 times for me..maybe I've been lucky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpFru3oIT1U&feature=related
it works real gud when you smack yourself in the face with the wheel leave the nut on with 2-3 threads to prevent a "hey ya'll watch this"
Removal of dash - 93' Hijet? I'm trying to remove the dash from my 93' Hijet. I see the bolts on top (from the bottom) but can't remove the bolt covers. How do you remove the little square covers? Thanks,
i usually pry them off with a flat screw driver. Are you talking about the ones located at the top of the dash. one on each corner?
Yes, those are the two. I tried to do this, but was worried about damaging them. So, I quit. Other than the six on the bottom and these two, are there others? Does the larger "cover" in the center of the dash come off?
yeah i just pop them of pretty easy. there are a bunch of parts on these trucks that break very easily. if i remember right there should either be 2 clips or 2 screws holding the front cover in place. one is near the ashtray and the other is across from it.
Sonny, do the clips come out one direction or the other? Kind of like the license plate light unclips on one side and then slides outs. Thanks
the clips come off on both sides. you have to pull the faceplate towards you. I remember that i just pulled carefully and pried alittle with a screwdriver if it was too tight. the key is patience..
if you are talking about the centre radio/hvac contol cover...it is removed by 2 screws above the climate controls (up under the lip) and 2 under the ashtray ..you need to remove the astray and then unscrew the metal plate that holds it in
i knew they were either screws or clips behind the ashtray.. i dont recall removing any above the climate controls.. its been a while since i took my dash off.. im gonna have hell of a time putting it back on
the centre dash cover has the clips once you remove the screws..just pops on and off tho once the screws are out
Probably a stupid question, but how does the horn button come off? I can't seem to find any screws, and when I pull on it at all, it beeps... Cheers! /K
if you mean to pull the steering wheel,you shouldn't need a puller...loosen the centre nut on the wheel (don't remove it completely as when you yank the wheel you may take it in the face)then wiggle the wheel back and forth with both hands...I've prob removed 75-100 steering wheels and never needed a puller..they always wiggle off.