92- nonblended she runs great. I also use the marine version of Stabil. It's very wet here during the winter.
Also For the government conspiracy theorists. In Oregon I think we have a state mandated 10% Ethanol. It has received a lot of bad press – esp. on the small engine front. Lot of damage to mowers, chainsaws and weed eaters. It seems the state put a law in place without understanding the consequences. They are in the process of re-thinking it. From a free market choice standpoint I have had no problem finding non-blend fuel. Any station near a marina might have it. It’s higher octane and does cost more. Not a huge amount more. I am switching all of my equipment over to it. Nothern Tool carries several portable pumps – I am going to purchase one soon.
Well said!! PGP, You would probably need to start with changing the fuel lines and a basic rejet (and probably turn up the fuel pump). However since these trucks are already low on power, E85/E100 on the stock motor is only going to make it that much slower.