EPA Certificate of Conformity from Gung Ho Trucks

Discussion in 'EPA Regulations' started by Gung Ho Trucks, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. You are welcome to visit anytime you are in Michigan and you can see how fast these trucks go yourself. I am sure they will take you to the scene of the accident.

    I will follow behind you and have someone tape you breaking the speed of sound with a new mini.

    Jim: and others from Canada.

    It says in your import list that the 2007 Suzuki and newer (van models only) are permitted entry if they meet US standards and are EPA approved. Have you thought of importing the new Suzuki minivans?
  2. Wall Street Journal Advertisement

    In today and Saturdays Wall Street Journal. The new Suzuki minitrucks are here!

    Attached Files:

  3. Wall Street Journal Advertisement

    This adds is in today and Saturdays Wall Street Journal. The new Suzuki minitrucks are here!

    Quality! Quality! Quality! You don't have to refurbish, restore, repaint, remake, or otherwise change your new Suzuki truck.

    It is the single most dependable Japanese minitruck ever made!

    It is not speed limited, parts are easy to come by, and the fit and finish is what you would expect from a major manufacturer.


  4. cheepBeer

    cheepBeer Member

    good 1

    That’s neat… that shows the games a play and these little trucks will not be ignored through ignorance with this show of Professionalism, take a Pat on the Back Gung Ho Trucks :)
  5. nice looking add "billy":D
  6. Thanks, so what is the real deal? Are you importing new Japanese trucks or just talking smack?

  7. thought we were all set but had a few details that needed to be ironed so we delayed it until those are clarified, no biggie. The amount of money we've dropped on testing you'd have thought it would have been easier than this :)
  8. I know how it goes. Sometimes it is two steps forward and one step back.

  9. You're right there, much better to be safe than sorry, I sure don't want to bring in a container of trucks that shouldn't be here:eek:
  10. Wolfman

    Wolfman Member

    Congrats to Gung Ho and Michtrucks for getting certified for new. I'll be watching what finally occurs with TX and our current bill running through the paces.

    As I just got through reading this thread from start to finish. I wouldn't feel so bad about "only" being able to import Suzukis. So you are a Suzuki minitruck dealer. Sounds cool to me, and I'd love a new one if our state will pull it's head out of it's ass.

    Again, congrats.
  11. Wolfman! You are so right. At first I was disappointed that the used trucks were not approved with the new, but really the new truck sales are the future of this business.

    If you want to read more stuff on my "introduction" to the mini-truck talk world you should check out the first post I ever made before the Mighty Milt shut the post down.


    It is freaking funny. I know I should have made my announcement and options a little more humbly, but we all live and learn. I try to be as clear as possible, sometimes my directness can be a bit abrasive.

    Thanks for your interest and vote of support. If you get in the mood for a new truck we ship nationwide for $512.00.
  12. justfortimd

    justfortimd New Member

    Looking for new mini trucks

    Does anyone have a link for buying NEW minitrucks wholesale. I'd like to buy a shipment of new mini trucks for resale. I see that Gung Ho has their EPA cert etc but I need a price list and list of options to move foward.

    Has anyone worked with them yet on bringing in new product?
  13. justfortimd...

    I have done business with Gung Ho. My budget did not allow me to get one of their new trucks ... but I have worked with them on obtaining new parts and accessories for my Suzuki DA65T. I have been 100% pleased with them - they respond quickly too (best work with their website contacts etc). I've worked with Bob ... I urge you to give them a call.

    As far as I know, the place where I purchased my mini - is not epa cert, but received an extension. I have seen some SD farm dealers quit due to the additional cert req.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  14. MichTrucks

    MichTrucks Moderator Staff Member Supporting Member

    New Mini Truck Importer

    We are bringing in new mini trucks also. Contact us by PM, email or phone. We can supply NEW Mitsubishi, Daihatsu and Suzuki's for your current and future needs.
  15. Anyone that received an extension can bring in new trucks, when the regs changed so did the "nothing newer" then 03 rule. It just has to meet guidelines of being a mini truck. Typically we're about in the 9500.00 range for a brand new mini.
  16. MichTrucks

    MichTrucks Moderator Staff Member Supporting Member

    Yes, New Trucks are Available to You NOW!

    Very True Fremont. We continue to bring in new trucks both for our customers and for our own expanding stock. With over 20 trucks in stock at all times and more continually coming in we can say there certainly are new trucks coming in, we have them here NOW. All this year we have been filling those special orders for new and newer trucks.

    As we move toward the new year we will continue this trend as our EPA certification is renewed into 2010 and beyond. As an importer and certificate holder we will continue to expand our growing dealership network.

    We look for companies that are dedicated to selling into the future and commit to having actual inventory. Our dealer newtwork is expanding as we select only those dealers with a vision to the future of the Mini Truck business.

    Fremont's statements are true. New trucks can be imported, we've done it all year now. Micro Vans, Mini Trucks, Deckvans and Jumbo's are some of the new and newer trucks we've brought in just this year alone.

    Good job Fremont! Certainly the word need to get out there that we are supplying customer needs today even better than we have in the past.

  17. Ditto, myself and a couple other well respected importers on here have partnered and will have about 8 families certified by years end, so by the time Dec 8th rolls around we plan on being able to operate business as usual.

    The extension is very nice because you can import anything so long as it is considered a mini. We have dealers in, SD, IN, WV, OK, MI, and PA that we supply. We don't keep a lot of trucks in our yard for retail typically because most of our containers get re-routed to one of our resellers. We can easily fill your order for older, newer, new trucks, etc.

    There are quite a few folks with extensions you can contact to obtain pricing from so just ask around and see what's out there
  18. Dealers - Awesome news! Sounds positive ... how does one see details/pics of the new kei truck models offered? That is, beyond Suzuki...
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2009
  19. LOL, basically all the new ones look the same as all the other early 00s trucks, most haven't seen a big change. I know you would think that there would be something that's new and differen't but there isn't. However, It is pretty cool to hop into a new mini as we're not used to having mini trucks around that have new car smell:D
  20. New models

    Ah ha...looks like someone else has done the leg work here (just had to adjust my glasses). They look different to me, but I guess its all in the little details... ;)


    I'd love to sell these trucks...glad you guys can do it!
  21. They don't change much do they?
  22. Enough change there for me to pick one over another - which that was my shopping experience. IMHO, I would leave that choice up to the buyer to glance over, compare, and get excited over. :D
  23. Last "Draft" about the EPA certification process was not all that great from the input I received. Don't have this handy, but think the draft came out of the Houston meeting. Did that get finalized and posted somewhere for the mini-trucks?
  24. That Houston meeting was really inconsequential from what I was told by someone who was there, they actually wished they hadn't wasted the time nor money to attend. I was one of the original MiToi association members that was going to attend but when I learned of this new option I dropped out of the group and went this route. For anyone or any group of people to do it on their own would be so costly that you couldn't certify enough different models to really keep business going as usual. The program me and a few others are a part of allow us to certify almost every engine family so we can continue business as usual along with being able to import brand new vehicles as well.
  25. MichTrucks

    MichTrucks Moderator Staff Member Supporting Member

    The Draft that was sent to ALL holder of EPA extensions, has been finalized and is posted by the EPA. Sorry Fremont thought it was a waste of time. We found none of the comments or thoughts Fremont is claiming. I attended the Houston meeting and therefore didn't get the "he said - she said" version. I made the trip to Houston and found it both informative and essential. It's purpose was to gather information and it served that purpose. It resulted in the final document that has been published by the EPA.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2009
  26. I didn't know if it was a waste of time or not, like I said, I wasn't there and was just going off what someone else had told me. Didn't mean to offend anyone that was there, I didn't know anybody that went was even paying attention to mine and Norm's banter. Everyone is doing their own thing right now so once it all shakes out we'll see what works the best. I don't know if one way is better than the other with regards to certification, but it's only good that different options are being looked at. This is about the survival of our importing, not a competition between cert holders. My feeling is the diversity of the trucks is what really makes our businesses special and the more models we can bring in the better, and if that means we pay an extra couple hundred bucks a truck then it's money well spent.
  27. MichTrucks

    MichTrucks Moderator Staff Member Supporting Member

    Very true. Certainly you aren't offending anyone here.
  28. tmikewww

    tmikewww Member

    Sounds like a good time for someone to pick up a great deal. See post for"1996 Subar" I' am to the point that I'll listen to any "reasonable" offer. If "mini's" are going to be hard to get, this has got to be, "one hell-of-a deal"! I' ll take, $3400. Can you import one for that kind of money???

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