To be sure take the carb off and lay it on the engine with engine off overnight to see if it leaks. Gas shouldnt go into engine tho with engine off cause no pressure on the fuel line so it might not be that. Make sure your fuel pump isnt leaking into crank case too and check your gas cap vent for over night pressure. tom
How can gas leak into oil with no fuel pressure when off and gets sucked into intake when on? check cap vent
Bad float valve wont leak into oil when running, only make it run rich. Fuel cant leak into oil when off because no pressure.
I didn't say it leaked when off..I believe gas continues to flow in float bowl when full due to bad seat ...
You missed my post that if float is leaking when it is running it can only run rich, not leak into crankcase. The path for gas to get into crankcase is through carb into cylinders and then run down past rings into crankcase and it only works when is not running, otherwise gas is burned. tom
Probably ring time. Dont over rev the engine, they will rev high and seem to like it but forces 4x on moving parts as revs 2x and causes lots of extra wear but dont lug it down either.:frustration:
That would explain fouling but not necessarily the sluggishness. Find someone near where you live and get their advise,they will need to talk you through it. Just make sure they are your friend and know what they are talking about or you will spend more money than you need to.
Do I need to hone cylinders?or just slap some new rings in it? Depending on severitu I guess .just a hunting rig so doesn't have to be %100. Just tired of replacing plugs
You should be able to get plug extensions that will eliminate the fouling. Not sure what their called but make the plug farther back to keep oil out, kinda like a small pipe extension for the plugs and maybe hotter plugs.
fuel does not get past rings, only oil up into cylinders or blow by down into crankcase gets past rings.
Have you taken your carb apart? If so you need to check the small 0 ring on the end of the jet in the bottom of the float bowl.
Usually gas gets into crank case when a gas tank is higher than the carb and the gas seeps past bad needle or seat gasket over time and flows down cylinders and past rings and into oil all when engine is not running. If you have a misfiring plug then rich mixture washes oil off cylinder and wears faster but never heard of getting into oil. We need someone else that is a mechanic to add to our discussion. tom
How do I keep the carbure?tor from running rich. I messed with the adjustment screws all I know how to. either way I believe it's time for a rimg job
If you took the carb apart then you might have taken the long jet in the bottom of the float bowl out and damaged the small 0 ring on the bottom end. That will make it run realllllllllllll rich. If you did you can turn all the screws you want but it wont help.
thats what i found that was dry rotted and was allowing the fuel to continue dumping into bowl. the replacement i rigged has probably failed...its not really a O ring is it? more like a stopper/seat?
It dosent dump into carb it get sucked into it. Not the same as leaky float valve. It is an 0 ring on the bottom of the long jet in bottom of float bowl.Go to auto parts house and get smallest you can. It will never run right till you get right one.