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Damien Rorick
Last Activity:
Nov 14, 2009
Sep 1, 2008
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Dec 19, 1986 (Age: 38)
bigelow AR
mechanic for saturn of greater little rock AR

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Damien Rorick

New Member, 38, from bigelow AR

Damien Rorick was last seen:
Nov 14, 2009
    1. Damien Rorick
      Damien Rorick
      about the hard start on the one hi jet if u hit the key it will start for a second then die you have to hold the thottle half way or to the floor and crank on it for a few seconds thrn it will start hiting on a few cyl then start but after it warms up it starts fine i thught it might be flooding i haven't got in to deep with it yet thought maybe u would know somthing it also idles really high when you first start it and won't idle down untill u go drive the **** out of it then it idels fine
    2. Mighty Milt
      Mighty Milt
      i've never heard of such a thing with the valves and the exhaust... the engine may have just been weak and the muffler was a bandaid for a bigger problem that needed a little more attention :D

      if you aren't intersted in the emissions testing, i would certainly remove the cat. especially in off road driving, they tend to maintain a lot of heat that can be a fire hazzard in dry brush. even more so than just a hot exhasut pipe or muffler.

      let me know how the snorkel works out for you. take a look a the stock intake and all the little "bubbles" that are in the intake tube. i'm not sure why they are there and have heard mixed results about putting a snorkel on these trucks, but i plan for one on mine just looking for a little more R&D before i try it.

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  • About

    Dec 19, 1986 (Age: 38)
    bigelow AR
    mechanic for saturn of greater little rock AR
    always tinkering with something making it faster or stonger or both

    working on stuff motorcycle riding