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Discussion in 'Suzuki Carry' started by TexasCustom, Feb 22, 2019.

  1. TexasCustom

    TexasCustom New Member

    Starting a new build.....CJ axles V8 power. Here’s a sneak peek. Going to do my best to keep it updated here, but you can also follow this build on Facebook.com/texascustomcycles
    Thank you all for the ideas, stay tuned!
    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Attached Files:

  2. Tuskano

    Tuskano Member

    Wow!!!!!! Very nice off roader there. I'll have to follow that, good luck!
  3. TexasCustom

    TexasCustom New Member

    So, I’ve gotten everything not needed out of the way and front subframe and suspension started. Just a little background on this build, I’m trying to build it with parts I have on hand and as inexpensively as possible. While I’d really love to do a triangulated 4 link with coil overs..... well, it’s just not gonna happen at least not yet.

    Attached Files:

  4. mr.mindless

    mr.mindless Member

    Leaving it spring under, on stock springs, and still front shackles?
    Those spring hangers are... large.

    I'm planning to put CJ narrow tracks under mine, project keeps being delayed. Latest idea to get small springs with a reasonable rate is trailer springs. Very cheap to try and a bit more arch. Probably ride harsh due to short length, but I think it may be an interesting place to start as far as packaging goes. I'm not interested in giving up that much approach angle.
  5. TexasCustom

    TexasCustom New Member

    I hear ya on approach angle, but for now yes still spring under. I did reverse the shackles up front tho. Planned the mounts for spring over later, however no time to get the parts in and done by middle of next week. This is a down n dirty rush to be running in time for a trip to Terlingua . Might make it a 4-link with coil overs after I get back

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