hey everyone. I am looking to put a lift on my 1992 Suzuki Carry. Needs to be enough to fit a set of camoplast tracks under it. I have read a lot of forums about going to high on the lift, and different types. I am thinking of going with a 2 inch suspension lift and a #250 coil springs. My next question is what about about a body lift with the suspension lift. Is it possible to do that? Maybe I am wrong I’m not sure. Just thought I can go with a 2 inch suspension lift to avoid drivetrain damage and do a body lift to get the clearance over the tracks to clear the cab. Any info would be great! Thanks!
These are actually a unibody design in the front so there isn't the possibility of a typical body lift. All lift in the front needs to be done with strut spacers. If you are going beyond 2" you will need to drop the front diff/ crossmember and dropping that will lead you to dropping virtually the whole drive train as I have just done. Then you start running into steering issues. You can do lots of lift but you will need the skills and tools to do it. I just completed 2.5" strut spacers with a 3" diff/crossmember drop, 2" engine/trans drop, and converted from under slung to over slung with the rear axle. I am running 300# springs, built a new drop steering arm and machined a drive shaft spacer. I have some photos on other threads and going to start one of my own soon. I am also running Mattracks and my truck now sits 12" higher than stock. See this thread if you haven't already. https://minitrucktalk.com/threads/94-scrum-carry-lift-completed.17746/#post-103009 Keep reading it's all there. It took me months to figure it out.
I am just looking for enough clearance to get the tracks under the truck, someone else had told me that with a 2” lift and some springs I should be able to get the tracks on and have clearence. I am just looking for more opinions! I don’t mind trimming the body some as well as this is just going to be an off road truck, but I definitely don’t want to hack it all apart!
Ya I didn't want to cut anything either. Everything I did was bolt on and completely reversible. I didn't even want to trim the body. I am really happy with how it is sitting. Good luck!
I explained in my earlier response. I just completed 2.5" strut spacers with a 3" diff/crossmember drop, 2" engine/trans drop, and converted from under slung to over slung with the rear axle. I am running 300# springs, built a new drop steering arm and machined a drive shaft spacer. I have some photos on other threads and going to start one of my own soon. I am also running Mattracks and my truck now sits 12" higher than stock. Like I said I am working on a thread for all of this. Hopefully it will have lots of detail an pictures.
I am just trying to avoid doing all of that. I hope that I can do a small lift and some HD coils and the cv joints won’t bind and will get the clearance that I need for the tracks. I know that Matt tracks are a bit bigger and more heavy duty, my camoplast tracks should be a little bit smaller I hope!
You shouldn't have an issue with your plan. May need to do body trimming but you already expect that. I just needed to amp it up a bit more! Good luck. Post some pictures.
I would love to do what you are doing, but I just don’t have the time to do it. I just want an easy build for now, and then later on down the road I will get a set of Matt tracks and do a nice build. Do you mind me asking what you paid for your set of Matt tracks?
I got a really good deal on mine. Bought them off a guy I work with. Paid $1500 and got some of the mounting cracks from a side by side that I can use for the truck. With just a little fab work they were on. I know new they can run closer to $7000-$8000. I wouldn't have bought them for that. I hope nothing breaks on them because I get the feeling replacement parts aren't cheap. They are heavy duty though.
You are lucky. Wish I could find Matt tracks for that price, but I found my camoplast tracks for $700 so if I get a year or 2 out of them I am happy. Now I just have to find a mounting kit for them or make one
I use a 91 Carry with rear diff lock for grooming snowmobile trails. Just a 2" lift works. Had to do a lot of cutting on the doors and front fender wells to get clearance, but it worked out fine.
Hi there. I have acquired a 92 Daihatsu and attempted to put tracks on, evidently I need a lift. Stumbled onto this. Was your project a success story?