I put a vacuum pump on and the needle was steady at 50 (forget units). I have pinched lines, removed lines, replaced lines, sprayed lines and no real difference. Truck will only run at apprx 1500 rpm so the vac may not affect it that much (apparently). I pulled the carb, looked at the float height and raised it a few mm. No difference. Went back to painting. Spoke to Todd at Westshore yesterday aft and he suggested the automatic choke was stuck, running rich and drowns at idle symptoms fit. I removed the carb (getting better at it I must say) and put some vinegar in the choke for an hour rinsed it out, WD40 and blew with air. I think it really freed up and it definitely was wide open - but still no idle. If I look at this philosophically, I am learning a lot.......
Ok, just so we all know, with it running when you put your hand- fingers over the carb intake with engine running and let less and less air into engine does it get better or worse?
Current theory - choke was stuck and truck ran richer and richer until it wouldn't idle. Then I pulled the carb apart and after "rebuilding" truck doesn't idle. I believe the brass jet in the picture center is the idle jet that oldoldoldman suggested should have some sealant around by the gasket to ensure it can pull fuel. To the immediate right is the slow jet. I pulled both cleaned out, blew some air through and am going to try the sealant. I checked the timing marks on the crank thinking perhaps I'd skipped a notch on the belt having put a new one in 5k ago. Good news everything is lined up perfectly and the tensioner is nice and tight. Doesn't help with the carb but good news anyway!
yes, the brass one still screwed in must be gasket sealed or it will not idle. Dont get sealent on the jet, just the gasket and tighten the top.
Idle jet sealed, carb installed and I think it runs a bit better but still won't idle at 950rpms. My buddy is a mechanic and he is going to come take a look with "fresh eyes". Maybe the EGR valve is stuck? Going to look at another Hijet today as I sold my back-up vehicle. Fresh off the boat and looks pretty clean. If I'm going to drive 20 year old vehicles I should have a spare! R
Have you checked the fuel lines from the tank. With the age on these it could be sucking air at low engine speeds. I had this happen a while back on a diesel loader. The lines looked good and there were no apparent leaks but the fuel pump would not draw up any fuel from the tank. If you primed the pump it would run fine for the rest of the day. A couple of dollars worth of line and it run like new.
Sorry starpuss I just bought a 91 S83p 4spd fresh of the boat. Now I can wait for parts and still accomplish something. My friend Peter, who is a great mechanic stopped by today and gave me a couple of things to try. I'll keep you all posted. Ralph
You would have sold it by now if you posted it with that price - $1600 less than your asking? I did see a youtube video of your truck in the air and a lake - has it been abused?? R
has it been abused?? you asked. well i Would have to say no. Never taken off road in the Mud or over big rocks. most of it was in the sand. over Light hills. i dont want to sell it that bad. Real fun to Drive but for you ill go 5400.00 Yup she got some air. maybe 1.5-2.5ft? http://www.youtube.com/user/pmfman#p/c/7CD2166F3CFBED3E/1/tSy8JxN6btU Front bumper has two cracks in it and one rim has a light dent in it. other then that still in Vg shape. Pinion seal leaks , have that on order & spedo cable broke last month also on order eta 1 week or less. and yup she went Close to going into the lake but did not stall the motor so she did not suck up water. *New full size battery side mount *headlights are d.o.t silverstar *Tires have 14,000km on them (there 50%) *Side D.O.T marker lights front and back. *D.o.t Seal Belts *Daytime Running Lights *3rd brake light *250lb front springs 1" Front lift. and much better off road! *new KYB front struts (upgrade over stock) *new air filter & oil change *New full side battery & box. (she will start in -40 not plugged in!) ** NEW manitoba safety ** ALSO Passed the New RHD RE Inspection that mpi is doing!
Hallelujah Well, I checked the idle stop solenoid before but I never checked to see if it functioned with the key on! I wired it to the key and yes we have idle gents and ladies (if you're lurking out there). Big sigh of relief.... Thanks to everybody that helped out I really appreciate it. Hopefully I can return the favour. Ralph
Huge relief! I feel like a drip for having made the error but I have learned a lot about these trucks in the process. Which is good now that I have 2! My wife just reminded me that we are going camping next week and can't take her car (her business car really) so I need to wire up DRLs, add the reflectors, generally go over, safety and plate, Hijet number 2. Can it be done by Tuesday 5pm?? Only if there is no major problems!
Does any body know what the little vacum pod with a screwstting in the middle does it is located close to the idle solenoid
there are 2 on the Hijet...the one closest to the back of the truck is the vacuum operated choke....the one closer to the alternator is the control for the fuel solenoid shut off