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Stalling Problem on Electronic Ignition

Discussion in 'Subaru Sambar' started by johnwscooking, Oct 23, 2009.

  1. johnwscooking

    johnwscooking New Member


    I have a 1991 Subaru Van MPFI Supercharger, that I have just bought
    about a month ago. Ive driven it around town and one long trip and had just one problem. It will not sit and idle for long, if you start it let it sit it will
    stop after about 5 min. If you start it and drive it it will run okay until you
    come to a light some times it will be okay sometimes it will stall.

    In most cases when it stalls it wont start up again until it sits for 15 min.
    Ive checked it and have found that it is the spark that Quits and not a fuel
    problem. It has an Electronic ignition. could it be the coil? Why doesnt
    it quit at high speed, just at idle.

    you guys are great I know you can help!
  2. fupabox

    fupabox Well-Known Member

    could be a problem with one or more of the plug wires,cap,rotor,or plugs themselves..revving makes it seem smoother because it's firing more often...idle air bypass could be clogged or inoperative..vacuum leak possible
  3. starpuss

    starpuss Member

    change the coil. coils will do that when they are bad.
  4. johnwscooking

    johnwscooking New Member

    To add info to my post. I am sure that it is an electrical problem because
    I can reproduce it every time at will. I just start it up and let it idle and after
    5 min it will stall BUT will not start again until it sits for 15 min. The I'm sure its
    electrical comes from the fact that when I'm doing this stall test, Ive hooked up
    an old strobe timing light that works off the spark only, and after it stalls the
    spark is gone as shown by the strobe. On tuesday I will be changing the cap
    and wires the plugs look great. Im not sure about where to get a coil or pickup.

    Thanks for the info on the parts book, that will be a big help.

  5. starpuss

    starpuss Member

    if i am right if your pickup is bad it will not run at all. i say try a coil first
  6. Due to the high RPM's these engine spin at coils go bad on average 80,000 to 120,000 kilometers. Pickup units get extremly hot in Subaru's due to the lack of air cooling in the rear engine compartment. Yes, I would change the coil out first but nothing worse than finding out thats not the only problem and then having to wait on ordering more parts. Heat takes it toll on electronics. We have the coils used for $65 and distributors rebuilt for supercharged engines at $135.

  7. starpuss

    starpuss Member

    Go to your local auto junk yard and pay the 5-10 bucks they would want for a used coil and give it a try. Is your coil a 2 wire?> if so most coils from all cars will work on yours.
  8. johnwscooking

    johnwscooking New Member

    Thats just what I did, I got an old coil from the local yard, hooked it up and POOF
    the stalling problem is gone. Just in time cause winter is gonna come any day now
    and I need my Subaru for work.

    Thanks! everyone for all your help, it was much appreciated.

  9. migzz

    migzz New Member

    same symptom as mine the only difference is that i have my engine light come on. took us awhile to diagnose the camshaft sensor problem. when the sensor gets hot... it sends the wrong signal to the PCM/ECU making the engine out of timing, thus shutting it off.
  10. Craige

    Craige New Member

    Bro does a subaru sambar have a crank sensor, if so wr is it located?
  11. rkrenicki

    rkrenicki Active Member

    It is inside the distributor. Only the Supercharged and NA-EFI models have one though.
  12. Craige

    Craige New Member

    Okay bro help me now my problem is a Lil tricky, I have done my engine afterwards I tested everything compression, spark, fuel all z well. Now it's flicking the engine check light and if u Crack t it starts and it shutsdown immediately. Is it the crank sensor or there is another problem
  13. rkrenicki

    rkrenicki Active Member

    I am having difficulty understanding what you are trying to say. What exactly does "I have done my engine" mean?
    Craige likes this.
  14. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Active Member

    I don't think its a cam sensor, its the ignition pickup module and basically it takes the magnetic pickup signal from the spinning rotor and turns that into a waveform that the ECU understands to fire the coil. They typically have a failure mode which happens when they get hot. So it will run then shutdown once you get the engine good and hot. Very annoying. I had it happen on my other JDM car before.
  15. Craige

    Craige New Member

    I mean I changed the piston rings and crankshaft bearings
  16. rkrenicki

    rkrenicki Active Member

    The distributor is directly connected to the end of the cam on the Sambar. The tone wheel may be on the shaft inside the distributor, but it directly relates to the position of the cam.
    t_g_farrell likes this.
  17. rkrenicki

    rkrenicki Active Member

    Are you certain that the timing belt was reinstalled correctly? Or the order of the spark plug wires?

    You also mentioned a flashing CEL, which generally means that the test mode connectors under the dash are connected to each other, which they should not be in normal operation. It is either a set of green and set of black connectors, or two sets of green connectors, depending on year. They are behind/under the fusebox under the dash. They each have only 1 wire, and neither one should be connected in normal operation.
  18. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Active Member

    Learn something everyday. Just looked at your parts listing and saw it. Didn't realize the supercharged difference.
  19. Craige

    Craige New Member

    Timing belt is fine, I don't know about the firing order. What's the correct order?
    Also what's shocking me is that if u put fuel in the manifold it starts perfectly then as soon as the fuel runout it stops
  20. reggie98

    reggie98 Member

    Based on your post, are you sure the fuel pump if working?
    rkrenicki likes this.

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