Sort of a silly question. I can find a lot of parts for my Carry, but I can't find a source for the window visors. My driver side one is broken, and they're both old, so I'd like to buy replacements. If anyone has any ideas, I'd be greatly appreciative. Sincerely, Robert
Thanks for the reply. Have you ever used 500 Yen Shop before? They did show some available through Yahoo! Japan.
I have not personally. I have used AllThingzJDM on FaceBook for some nice floor mats for my DD51T. Was a smooth process.
Try got 90% of parts i need from them .they sell oem parts not China parts.prices ok but shipping from Japan sucks.better than some US sellers.
I’ve bought many things from this website. And it’s all in Canadian dollars, so the exchange rate works in my favor.
Thanks all for the suggestions! I setup eBay to search for the part numbers and notify me when something popped up. It actually found a seller in Japan that had a new pair and they're on the way. I was getting frustrated that eBay couldn't find any, so that's why I posted here, but it eventually came through! I like the suggestions for other parts, though. I'm not done fixing mine up and will most likely, need more parts. Thanks again, Robert
I need a set as well and not much luck finding them. Can you post that part # so I can try your method with eBay Thanks, BZ
Sure. The part number is 99000-99091-50M. These are the ones I purchased: Robert
Thanks for posting that. Unfortunately I misunderstood what part you were referring to. I'm looking for a set of interior visors and also an interior grab handle. There have been a few listed on eBay, but they were in poor condition and crazy expensive. Another couple parts I could see myself wanting to replace down the road are the stock rubber floor mats for the cab and the plastic protector pieces on the top of the bed gates. Both of those seem somewhat elusive. There's a person that sells aftermarket plastic pieces for the bed gates, but they have to be spliced together on the sides as well as being glued on unlike the OEM ones. So far in Canada has been my best source for some of the missing bits I needed although the yen/dollar exchange is so good right now, I've been getting more things directly from Japan. I bought a new OEM tool locker from a seller in Japan for around $90 including shipping and OEM Suzuki oil filters cheaper than the US suppliers sell aftermarket ones for. Regards, BZ
I bought a new interior flip-down visor & a grab handle for my van from megazip a couple years ago. Fred
I had a look on megazip after someone mentioned it but it says the item has been discontinued and is no longer in stock. Thanks for the suggestion BZ
I have a 92 suzuki carry...same problem...94 geo tracker vents fit great just need to add a little piece uf two sided tape on the end to deal Work and look great