My grandfather recently purchased a 1992 Daihatsu Hijet mini truck. He's looking for a service manual (english). Can someone tell me where to look or buy one from? Thanks
So far as I know, there aren't any english language manuals out for the earlier trucks... There have been a couple of posts on the forums about getting some translated but I don't think there is anything yet. Some of the later KEI trucks made their way to England or N.Z. and there are some manuals you may be able to find Here . Another thing I found searching on line is THIS . Might be worth a try. You might also want to try contacting some of the direct importers/exporters that are on the forum.
Service manuals coming soon! We will be stocking up on manuals within the next 30-60 days. More info to follow.
92 Daihatsu Manual Knoxville, We are in the early stages of this but plan to obtain all manuals for 1990-1997 for Honda, Daihatsu, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Subaru and Suzuki trucks. I'll know more by the end of this week. These manuals will also provide 3D (exploaded views) with a large parts section. We will need extra time to do a once over for English translation on all parts sections for each manual. I'll post more information as we progress through this project.
Any word yet if these manuals are available for sale yet? I have a 1991 honda acty and would love to have a manual for them. -mark
another link,GGIT:2007-03,GGIT:en&sa=G let me know if it doesn't work
I checked out the website..... Is there information for the 1992 Hijet, Chasis #: S83P-014574 on there? Sorry for being so non informative on these. This is my grandfather's toy and he asked if I could find him a service manual. Thanks. Knox
I have a service manual for the daihatsu I can look up something for you if you need it email me butch
Hey Butch.. Thanks for the reply. I do not know exactly what my grandfather wants to look up. He is an old fellower that loves to tinker around with things and I think he's just more curious than anything. Can you tell me where you got your hands on the manual at? Is it in english? I do not care what it costs, I'd like to buy one. It would definitely make his day if I brought him one. Thanks. Knox
Book Let Me See What It Will Cost To Copy It Is A 350 Page Book I Think If You Contact Daihatsu Motors Technical Pu Plication Group Overseas Service Div. 1-1 Daihatsu-cho,ikeda-city Osaka Prefecture,japan This Is The Name In My Book Who Printed It It Is Publication No. B156-se Service Manual, Daihatsu Hijet
Good info, Butch. Say...maybe some of our member in Japan/with Japanese contacts could look into this?
I have the Daihatsu English manual and english parts book being printed now. Should be ready this week 375 pages service manual and 75 page parts manual
I was told that it simply covered the S110 chassis trucks with the EF engine. The CK, I don't know anything about. They were sold stateside for a while, with the same use restrictions as the ones we have.
Hey! is my website ;-) The engine details on my website are mostly for the S85, which is a CB (1.0 litre) engine, not EF (660 cc). However, If I can help, let me know. Daniel
We have the Daihatsu manuals now. Service manual in english 379 pages and parts manual in english too. e-mail me if you are interested
Received a CD-rom. service manual for the s81p [U.S. version] which covers the s82p-s83p-s110p models $65.00+ship. Ordered it from Nagata Technology,Inc. 847-439-0321----Daihatsu help line. Its in ENGLISH TOO! Steve
I have one I would sell ($100) + shipping. I paid almost 200 for it and used it once, and sold the truck. It is in english, and is for the hijet s110p
Like Steve, I ordered a CD version of the manual. I called Nagata Technology,Inc. at 847-439-0321, but was told I'd have to order it through their dealer... so I had to call Karl at "Bill White Kia" (479-649-0999), but he can't order it without a part #, so he told me to call Leon at 1-800-777-7070, from whom I got the part # DHJS103S81010. I then called Karl back and placed my order... bottom line...$64.87 via FedX ground. For those who want to save some time... start with Leon and work backwards!! Leon was very helpful... explaining that while my 89 Hijet S81P wouldn't specifically be covered in there, a lot of the info is "common". He even offered to FAX me specific pages from his "old" manual should the need arise. Hat's off to Leon!!! Does anyone know if the printed manual that has covers the 89 model year? I emailed him the question but never heard back...