I hope to beef up the sound system in my Sample (yeah, sample-sized truck) so it punches above it's weight class. Have any of you achieved anything close to audiophile-worthy results by changing and/or speakers? If so, what did you use? I have a decent AM/FM/optical base unit but it frapps out at pretty low volume. It occurs to me that a better-quality 4X6 speaker might really help. I also thought about adding some tweeters and/or a sub, but where? How? There must be some kind of sub that isn't too monstrous that I could mount on the floor in the middle and put a snack tray on
I found that going from one ripped and dusty old speaker to two new speakers did wonders! You might want to consider insulating the cab to block out external noise if you're looking for top notch sound though. There's not much separating you from the road and the engine.
4x6 are the size for the Sambar. Buy the cheapest Sony Am/Fm CD receiver they have at Pep Boys and a pair of cheap yet decent 4x6 dual-cone or two-way speakers (like Pioneer or the ilk). An entry-level Sony sounds great as long as you don't try to pair them with high-power rated speakers as that would be a mismatch. All of today's entry-level receivers have an "aux-in" for MP3 devices etc. Low-power head unit = lower power-rated speakers. Match the components for best results. I prefer dual cone or two-way over 3-way speakers. 3-Ways add un-needed weight and complexity and their dome tweeter areas can cause interference issues when mounted behind the Subaru grilles. Even the cheesiest dual-cone speakers will sound 100 times better than factory speakers. Remember how small the cabs are on these trucks. If you're really set on a sub woofer (whatever) you may look at the all-in-one self-powered Bazookas or the like, although you'll have to get creative in placement. We've never missed having a sub woofer in a used, tight-cabin minitruck. It's not like it's a Chevy Suburban with a drop-down LCD and surround sound. It's one level up from a farm tractor.
This is what i came up with, its a 50/50 trade but sound is fantastic! Plus side is realy good sound with a modern head unit. Down side is you only get to roll your window down halfway. If i decide i dont like it i can always cover the hole back up. But for now im fine with it. Im sure you could fur out the door panel and get some skinny speakers to gain full range again. But i had the speakers and head unit as well as the wire already from an old boat so its free so far. When i figure out how to post pics on here i will.
Cheap UTV speakers and deck combos for utv and or golf carts are an easy and cheap option. and some dyna mat or fat mat to the floors and your be impressed.