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Sambar Dias in Philippines

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Kimo Sabeh, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Kimo Sabeh

    Kimo Sabeh New Member

    Hi guys Im from Manila, Philippines and managed to rescue a 1994 Sambar Dias. KV3 I believe. Shes rwd, manual with the EN07y carb engine. I started ordering engine parts and managed to get her running. Only issues im tackling now are a few interior and exterior parts, a new starter, and on how to tame the carburettor. Trying to look up some vacuum line diagrams but to no avail. Joined the group hoping to learn more and get more inputs from you guys. Thanks! IMG_20200424_162914~2.jpg IMG_20200424_162901.jpg
  2. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    Cool little ride.
  3. Kimo Sabeh

    Kimo Sabeh New Member

    Thanks, Im looking for some parts and I am finding it a bit hard to have them shipped here specially if i i g th from ebay. Does any one know which site delivers to my part of the world?
  4. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Fred would be the authority on this one!
  5. fmartin_gila

    fmartin_gila Well-Known Member

    For anything other than generic(Tires,Battery,clutch,brakes,bulbs,etc) I have found Megazip.net to be the best overall source for parts in the Philippines. Anything vehicle specific I need has been purchased from Megazip. You may have better luck up in Manila in the NCR than I have in Iloilo in the Visayas. I did buy from one of the other Japanese online stores once but it was such a hassle to pay, I had to go to Western Union, convert my Pesos to Dollars and then convert my Dollars to Yen in order to pay plus losing a bit through each conversion, pretty much turned me against dealing with them. Megazip will just accept my Visa credit card from USAA. I don't know how the other online places handle payment, so I just stay with Megazip. Couple of years ago while fording a river going into Tigbouan I hit a rock and cracked my engine oilpan(cast aluminum on my K6A engine). I took it off and had a local weld it up but it didn't hold so had to replace with new, Megazip was the only place which had it in stock so now I don't even bother to check for any other sources. Sometimes a bit more expensive than I'd like, but they have had everything I have needed so I am a loyal customer to them.

    Limestone likes this.
  6. Roberto

    Roberto New Member

    Awesome thanks for the info . I'll check them out.

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