My '90 Mits mini has been running rough all summer, the common problem of running rich. Checked choke linkage, tried Sea Foam, still no results. Now when it is cold it starts decent and runs good until it warms up, then it stalls and is hard to restart. Any help would be great.
I am guessing carb problems, choke not coming off when warmed up, vaccumm line leaks? Rotor, cap? Carb needs to be rebuilt? Mine starts funny sometimes also I am thinking carb needs a rebuild, I might try plug wires first, have just about replaced all the vaccuum lines.
I thought that the choke was pulled off by the coolant temp going up. Is the linkage operated by vacume
I am unsure guessing so. Start it up cold with the aircleaner off in a fairly dust free place. You may need a mirrior and a light to see the choke go from closed to open. Unsure about the mitzis. op:
Choke rancher3!, Yes/No. Check out the following threads: Hope this helps.......later, slim
Thanks for the info i will check it out. Great stuff on thoses links. I have been trying to post a picture of the truck but can't get it to up load any tricks?
Photo upload rancher3!, Our Fearless Leader (Kevin) was gracious enough to hook us up with a photo upload option: Looking forward to photos...........later, slim
There are quite of things wrong with this version of vb. I've already ordered the newest vbulletin version 4 and when its release, we will be upgrading. As far as the uploading option, you could use then post the forum link that it gives you. I've tested the upload option with many browsers and have no issues.
Well here goes i hope it works! Really enjoy the forum and the mini truck but it sure is frustrating when it won't run.:frustration:
Nice you use those tires on the street ? how much bump steer are you getting with them,if any
The truck is used off-road only. It will see gravel roads and the handling is not quite what it was with the 12's but is not that bad.
That is a Good looking truck. I like the ROPS over the cab, been contemplating one for mine. Just got to figure out how to tie it back into the frame so as not to interfere with the dump bed and stick out too far on the sides. By the way, how did you get all that Florida beach sand in your yard way up there in SK? -------Wait a minute, I bet that's probably that "cold stuff" Hope you get your truck running......later, slim
I would trade the snow for sand about now! Truck is getting the best of me. I have changed the plugs a few times, in the past it has helped but this time it didn't. The air cleaner seems clean. Saturday i tried to start truck and there was nothing doing. Checked and had no spark at all. Left it sit for an hour then it started but ran terrible. What would cause intermitent spark? Any help would be great.
go to your local auto junk yard buy a 2 wire coil and give it a try. (you can use one off all cars and trucks that is a 2 wire)
coil I agree with Starpuss, it does sound like you have a weak/failing coil. Here's a link to a similar prob that Starpuss recommended a coil fix that worked: later, slim
I read the link, describes my truck to a T, last night i took it out and worked it real hard, moving cows through creeks, bogs and hills. It worked the best it has for a long time after it was warmed right up. Will try coil this weekend hope it works! Thanks for all the help.
Changed coil no better It starts hard but once it is running if you keep the revs up it will run fine. If it quits it is hard to start. The only time the truck runs well is after it has been drove really hard. Still baffled as to what is going on.
after browsing through this I think choke linkage ..scroll through this describes your prob exactly....step 5 page 13-10
Well I finally had time to work on the truck, i have isolted the problem to spark. I have intermitant spark on cylender # 3. The truck runs good when cold then starts to miss, that is when the cylender goes down. The goofy thing is that when you rev it up it starts to spark a little. I changed the wire thinking that was the problem but made no difference. What is going on here?
At this point, I think I would replace all ignition plug/coil wires. Make sure #3 wire is not grounding onto something i.e. aftermarket metal clamp holding it out of the way of something. Replace rotor and cap. Just my approach. It sounds like you took the correct approach and stepped away from the problem for a while. Sometimes I have to step away a couple times then when approaching again the solution hits me in the face. Just a little in the zen relm. With it being heat related, I would have thought plug wire or coil too. You changed the coil--did you put a new one there or a used one? The same question with the #3 plug wire. Good luck my friend.
I am having the exact same probs. I know I have one bad wire, I replaced rotor and cap. It worked a bit better when I sea foamed it, although I did not get enough in to make a big difference. It does get worse when I wash underneath until it dries out, I am thinking plug wire(s). I am thinking when I step it down it smoothes out, they vibrate alittle at idle, and that causes the connection to be better when idled up.
Did it help at all when cap and rotor were changed? I was thinking that it had to be something in the cap. I can not figure out what the connection between rpm and spark is.:frustration:
It is the plug wires I saw # 2 snapping away. I am going to order a new set and put the old ones where they belong in the garbage.
Hopefully that is the fix. I was about to post an old trick we use to use. If the vehicle is running, observe the ignition system an night and in blackness. If wires are shorting you will see the light show.
Well i think that i finally figured out what was going on. When I checked points way back when i was sure they were fine. Upon inspection they were hardly,if even at all, opening. Adjusted to .010 and seems to work great! Who would think that it would act like that, no spark at idle but when reved up spark on # 3 again. O well afetr months of frustration i think i have it fixed. Very pumped What should the gap be set at on a mits. 550.
rancher3!, Good job on "hanging in there", sometimes it's the little things that create the big problems. My Mits manual shows the point gap for the 3G81/550cc to be: 0.45 - 0.55mm (for us down south): .017 - .021" good luck and..........later, slim