Discussion in 'General Truck Info' started by Limestone, Nov 12, 2020.

  1. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Read the forum's, past post's! There is a lot, of great info, in the Forum's past posts! Too many want Magical answers! It's a Forum! Even the old stuff is great! Search, and use the Search button! A lot of stuff is here if you look for it! If someone helps you. Don't forget to thank them, their time is valuable too! Don't be afraid to help someone else! Pass the knowledge along! A lot of others have done so, in the past! They have built this Forum! It's up to us to keep it going!
    Barnone, Kevin Y, Juju1187 and 4 others like this.
  2. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Active Member

    Thanks Limestone, I've been tempted to blow up about this for quite awhile. This is exactly why some of the best older guys have given up on the forum, Spaner was the smartest guy I've ever run into on any forum and he got sick and tired of the same questions coming up day after day with no attempt to research. I think this has a lot to do with why Terry Bearden,aka Trax N Horns dropped out ,just to name a couple of really good guys who contributed a lot. It's also the reason Colin made a sticky on every sub forum about searching before posting.
    Just don't let it run you off, we need guys like you and Jigs and all the other new guys to kick in and keep the forum active.
    Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.
  3. Roadster

    Roadster Active Member

    Hi guys;

    Being new to the HiJet world, I've actually had some of my most glaring questions answered by searching old forums; The downside of this is the questions found in old posts don't get acknowledged, so you don't see them to know that someone has found the info useful. I suspect also there are a number of us who have "variations" to our issues and these weren't found in our searches, producing posts that seem repetitive. Because my involvement with these trucks is recent, I apologize if some of my questions seem more on the trivial side... Having said that, I am very appreciative of your collective knowledge as there seems to be a dearth of info elsewhere. I suspect we are all "learning as we go" and those who have owned a HiJet for a while and have accumulated a good knowledge base can be very useful to us newbies. I sincerely hope you will be patient so some day I can also impart some useful information to new people on the forum as I progress working on my truck!

    Juju1187, Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.
  4. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Thanks, for the Moral support! I guess we all need it at times! It's guy's like you, Jigs, Fred, and many previous that keep me going! I've been helped out tremendously in the past, and I'm just trying to give back, like the many others! Roadster, I like to always say that no questions are dumb or stupid, and yes we are all learning as we go! Hey, none of us are perfect! I really do appreciate your input on this also. Again, that's what helps to make the forum great! Spaner, has several very good, and informative posts, as does Colin, and Trax! Jim, it's guys like you that we will continue to need! I'm glad that you've showed interest again, and came back online!!!
    Juju1187 likes this.
  5. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    CAN'T READ! Mark Twain

    That is someones quote in their profile on this forum, I just can't recall who's! But I like it and always thought it to be true, and to the point!
    Bossman, Juju1187 and Adam C Spry like this.
  6. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Okay, I found it! One of the first great posters with a lot of sharable, knowledge! Fupabox, had that quote in his Signature!
    Juju1187 likes this.
  7. Admittedly, I ask a lot of questions. Generally pertaining to things that are seem odd or things I can't find in old posts. I do pilfer through the old posts looking for much of the info I need. Ill try to keep my dumb questions to a minimum Haha!!
    Thanks to everyone for all the insight and help you've given me!
    Limestone likes this.
  8. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    These are all GREAT points! Remember, no questions are stupid! I mean that! A few of us have been working with the Moderators to help improve the sight, and yet not change it drastically, or ruin the Great, site that others have started, that were all so thank full for! That's why it really helps to add your Signature to your profile, and comment on a past thread that was helpful, and thank the other members, past and present for there helpful insight! There are times when we search and we can't seem to find what were looking for, or were in a hurry and just want the answer! We get it! It's a Forum, the more interaction the better!
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2021
    TooManyProjects likes this.
  9. Thanks Limestone. I'm going to log in on the computer and do the signature thing. Format is weird on my phone. Soon, I'm going to post a short version of what all I have done thus far, on my thread about "warm up starting issues".
    That way someone can have a idea of what I did. Thanks for all your help!!
  10. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    These little trucks, have a lot of things I’ve never seen before. And, parts can be hard to source. When I figure out how to substitute something like the Mini Denso race alternator available for around a hundred bucks for the stock alternator, that the online sources want $300 for used, on my Hijet, I make posts to share it.

    And, I understand that a lot of folks may never have worked on a carbureted engine, with a points ignition before. So, I don’t mind giving folks a hand figuring them out.

    But, I’ve explained how to set the best lean idle ona carb enough times that I did a post on how to do it. And, I’m still explaining it to folks.
  11. Albert Toy-Caron

    Albert Toy-Caron New Member

    Juju1187 likes this.
  12. Roadster

    Roadster Active Member

    The battery ground is a great place to start, as is the engine block ground. No, shouldn't hurt the starter... Does it turn over OK - just won't start? If not, the + power goes from the battery to the starter solenoid + and then to the alternator. Check to see if you have 12 volts at the starter + and the alternator +. You should get 12 volts at the starter (not the solenoid coil unless you turn the key to start) regardless of the alternator connections. I've read in someone's post that there can be a fuseable link in the main + wire that goes to the fuse box forward. Mine doesn't seem to have it, but yours might. Also, you might check the IGN fuse in the fuse box, perhaps you blew it by accident when connecting the alternator? if it turns over but just doesn't start, a blown fuse could make the fuel solenoids on the carburetor inoperative and no power to the coil, so no spark.
    Juju1187 and Albert Toy-Caron like this.
  13. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    Ok. Now lets tackle thread drift. Folks, please don’t hijack threads. Folks have a hard time searching the forums for relevant old threads

    There are a couple of long running general threads: “What Did You Do to Your Mini Truck.”

    But, most threads are on person asking a question, or for help, and folks trying to lend a hand.

    If a post is on flooding a Hijet, don’t jump on with carburetor issues of you Acty, Sambar, etc. don’t jump on the Hijet Thread.

    And, don’t change the topic of the threads. This thread started trying ot get folks to do a search or two and read a bit before just posting. And, it is already drifting into solving issues with a truck with a new alternator not cranking when the key is put in the start position. Which is a good question, but it is drifting this thread, and in a year the next person with the same problem will not be able to find it.

    So: Start new threads in the relevant forum. And, when you solve the problem, come back and do a final post telling folks what the solution is, and change the post to solved.

    If you are adding pictures, please upload them to the forum as opposed to linking them from an external site. There are a bunch of older threads which have been made useless because the links to the images nw lead nowhere.

    And, If you find a good source of parts or information, or come up with a solution, just wan to share what you did, do an informational post, and let folks know.

    It doesn’t help the folks today, but it will make the forum a lot more user friendly for future users.
    Don O, Drain, Limestone and 2 others like this.
  14. New member here! A simple plea to Limestone, Jig-n-fixtures, Spaner, Jim Nelson, etc. (apologies for the ones I overlooked) - a HUGE Tip O' the hat to all of your wonderful posts (historic, past and present). Don't give up the the faith - your contributions are invaluable. In Naval Aviation we call your insight "The Gouge" - the tips and tricks from saged ol' timers such a yourself that will keep the newbies alive and in top form. I have repeated my handed down and hard learned Gouge over and over though the decades- and although it gets tiresome at times, repeating the same answer/tips over and over and over - it is worthwhile as some new wiper snapper (like me) will take your knowledge and run with it and the life saved might ultimately be your own mini. Think of it like you second grade teacher - she never admonished you for not reading her previous iteration "the third graders Cliff notes" and presenting "Too many questions" but was summarily ready to teach a new group - all over and over again. You "saged ol' timers" are the keepers of "The Gouge" - please dispense. I am sitting on the front row with (two) of my #2's perfectly sharpened with a hand drawn lined tablet, ready to take notes. Thanks for your patience.
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  15. Leo Ocker

    Leo Ocker New Member

    Thanks for your advice!
  16. Leo Ocker

    Leo Ocker New Member

    Thanks for your help and patience with those of us who are new and uninitiated!
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  17. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Welcome! Remember, no questions are wrong! That's the only way we can help each other! Please go to your Profile, in your Avatar, and click on your Signature. It will help us with what you might need, in understanding what you've got, as there are differences between the separate units! Thanks!
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  18. Leo Ocker

    Leo Ocker New Member

    2003 Mitsubishi Mini Truck U62T
    VIN: U62T0705423
    Engine Size ~672cc? Bought 2013 ~75,000 KM
    Problem is that the truck isn't getting fuel delivered, therefore won't start. No clicking sound heard when ignition switch is turned on.
    I have primed the fuel injector pump with small amount of gasoline and it will start and run for a
    short time and then will not restart, unless I prime it again. I understand that there is a fuel relay behind the glovebox that may have quit working.
    The truck sat the winter in it's garage and the battery died. Usually, not a problem sitting for 3-4 months over the winter with it starting. I will try by-passing
    the relay when I figure out which relay it is. My luck, it will probably be a fuel pump or fuel filter that I understand is in the
    fuel tank, maybe? I will try to get more info, if needed?
    Thanks Pardner,
  19. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    So that we don't hijack this thread. How about you put this info into a newly started Post Under Mitsubishi, stating your issues, and I bet you'll get a lot of help trying to solve your problems! Just some added FYI! Thanks
  20. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Active Member

    From Jim's wife Jeanne: Sad news, Jim passed away on April 30 when his heart just gave out. He really enjoyed this forum and loved figuring out answers to some of the posted questions-- plus he already knew a lot of the answers. He sure liked his little yellow truck!
    Barnone likes this.
  21. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    We are saddened to hear that about Jim! He and I would speak from time to time on many different subjects! He loved his Family, and spoke of you guy's a lot! God Bless!
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  22. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    This is a huge loss to this community. Jim was a great resource.
    Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.
  23. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    He absolutely was!!!
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  24. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member


    I am so sorry for your loss, my prayers for you and your family!
    Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.

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