Quebec - ANTI Kei.....

Discussion in 'General Truck Info' started by franck2cv, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Hi Folks,
    As you probably know, RHD are no longer welcome in Quebec... But there's more!!
    Current owners of Kei-vehicles licensed in the Province were summoned to de-classified their van or car (new plate) to prevent them from driving on roads where the speed limit exceeds 70km/h.
    I was left with two options: Buying from local or import from Europe..... Only the latter remains.
    So I'm on the market for a micro-Van Subaru Libero (Sambar's cousin) and I was wondering if there were any Quebec member who would be interested in a join venture. The Libero is the only micro-van available that can be imported and registered in Quebec since it was not considered as 'Kei' in Japan - something to do with crash test approval I was told by the SAAQ. There might be a few Suzuki Carry as well. Anyway, if you're interested, just give me shout :) I speak French too and am located on the south shore of Montreal.

    Attached is a photo of a French version (called 'Vanille') - Only 95 of them are on the road there (according to local Police officer - a good friend too!)

    Attached Files:

  2. Stuff99

    Stuff99 Moderator Staff Member

    that irks me that quebec is doing that....
  3. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Well.... as long as there's a way round it! ... I shall keep on smiling!:)
  4. fupabox

    fupabox Well-Known Member

    The thing that pisses me off is the change to currently registered vehicles,it's just wrong. Crash tests are useless unless we are willing to crash test pedestrians and motorcycles...If I choose to accept my life is pretty much over in the event of a crash on a motorcycle(a risk all riders take) why can't I make that same decision in a car...on that thought why are 18 wheelers (a vehicle which WILL kill you if it hits you) allowed to share the road with cars...nothing against 18 wheelers, just the safety laws are in no way logical.:confused:
  5. MiniBrutes

    MiniBrutes Member

    I will get you a PO box out here. Then you can be Saskatchewan registered. Nothing they can do with out of province plate on it ;)

    I want to drive around there with non-quebec plates just to piss them off! Haha.
  6. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Hmmm I like the idea though.... I'm pretty sure some regulations have been ruled to prevent it. I would also be very conspicuous in a RHD Kei micro van registered elsewhere. :cool:

    As per why and how already registered vehicle are affected by a new classification, the alleged reason is 'passive safety' but I'm not buying it. As rightly pointed out, motorcycle would be banned too as well as ..... cigarettes or alcohol!!!
    We can count on any government to be inconsistent.
    No, I much more suspect another case of lobbying. Grey import of small & economical vehicles would have made a point on a long term so they simply drew an end to a growing trend. The number of targeted owner/drivers is too insignificant to splash anyone in the the relevant administration.

    But I, one day, will be driving a reasonably sized vehicle wether they like it or not.
    A German Libero is not a Kei van nor it is RHD.
  7. o8k

    o8k Member

    Canada sounds like a facinating place :D Although,its quite facinating down here as well. :frustration:
  8. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Well, non sense occurs everywhere mankind settled... Never mind a few frustrations, I'm happier here that in the UK or France... by far!
  9. KeiEye

    KeiEye Member

    That SUCKS franck!
  10. Stuff99

    Stuff99 Moderator Staff Member

    best of luck frank!
  11. luluyug

    luluyug Member

    hello frank, last tuesday i went to the saaq and ask to talk to a supervisor regarding the registration of a 1990 suzuki carry. the guy i mett was very comprehensive. i told him i was planning on buying a kei truck and i wanted to know the proceure for plating the thing. after almost half an hour off calling the control routier and saaq head quarters he told me as long as the vehicule is left hand drive the only thing needed to register is the title from previous owner, mecanical inspection and there you are with a standard passenger licence plate. the only thing they had to verify is if the vehicule has to be equiped whit a day time running lights module. for right hand drive you are basically scewed!! so if you want one for québec find a left hand drive and no restrictions on plates. salut!
  12. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    LHD are available

    Hello All in Montrial,
    I am the only one making RHD into LHD, so contact thedealer in Quebec,
    he have good stock,
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2010
  13. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    LHD are available

    you don't have to wory about LHD any more, we can convert any vehicles /trucks/Jeeps/minitrucks into LHD,
    just check my trucks in QUEBEC and in Alberta and you will be happy to contact for business,
  14. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Thank you for this - Quite pleased you got yourself sorted! Thanks for sharing too. F.
  15. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    Oh... Great to hear about you and your business!!
    What I would like is very specific, would you prefer that I formally contact you via your website?
    If coming from Japan to be then converted, I'm after a Domingo Subaru MANUAL transmission and 4x4 on demand (not full time).
    How much would this be likely to cost?
  16. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member


    yes Franck2, please contact via my web site and will discuse any matter of mini trucks or other vehicles,
    thanks & Regars
  17. misterturbo

    misterturbo Member

    Not to rain down on anyones parade..

    But are you sure Quebec will accept a vehicle that has been modified from RHD to LHD? I am pretty sure that what they mean't was that any factory LHD vehicle can be registered but one that has been modified may be a different story.

    Might want to check to see if your provincial safety inspection will allow it, I know Quebec inspections are pretty picky ie. DOT lights.
  18. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member


    thanks for your wory on the LHD, we are doing a high quality work and already have sold many containers, many trucks have been pass safty rules,
    some you need to do some work in Canada and every things will be ok,
    many countries accept LHD converted or Original, all depand on work and we are doing our best,
    Eco-mobile buy 3 containers of LHD from Japan and he sold all, before he buy RHD,
    my 1 more buyer by 3 container and he is selling and willing to buy more,
    please don't bring any new issue to the Quebec Safty system on Converted LHD, thank you in advance,
  19. misterturbo

    misterturbo Member

    Having a hard time understanding what you wrote..

    Who is Eco-Mobile? Are they a company based in Quebec that you sold to?

    And making a demand not to talk about Quebec safety for LHD is rude and inappropriate. It is a valid issue since you are in Japan, you just sell these vehicles, you do not know our laws in Canada and do not do the registration.
  20. steve_nagoya

    steve_nagoya Member

    Well said! I listen to my clients and what they tell me about registration. I don't tell them.:D
  21. Meesho

    Meesho Member

    Move to Ontario before you have no freedoms left.
  22. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    slipping into politic? ;) ....
    Looks like I'm more likely to buy in Germany anyway.
    Overall, a Libero is likely to cost around 7k (all inclusive) whilst a converted van was quoted 10k.
  23. Meesho

    Meesho Member

    No matter the cost, you will never find a low milage and rust-free 4wd Libero from Germany for anywhere under $12k. They are non existant.
  24. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    Sorry for to make you feel about my rude style, but we are a dealers in Japan and there are many in Canada, so every business get effacted if many story come on our way,
    what I been doing have been pass in Quebec and Alberta too,
    I just started to help Quebec consumers to have benifits of the Mini trucks if it is LHD, hope you will understand me this time,
    thanks & I never been to be rude with you,
  25. S.Hiro

    S.Hiro Member

    yes converted are Expencive due to lot's of Extra cost and high quality work & Time too,
    but Japanese vehicles Run for a long long time and wont give much trouble if you keep eye on the oil and water,
  26. franck2cv

    franck2cv Member

    They're harder to find that I know but I happen to have three possible candidates that a friend of mine is going to test drive and check. Prices are from 2900 to 3500 euros and Mileage : 80,000 kms to 120,000 kms.
    He's going to Berlin on March 15th. Can't wait to hear from him.

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