starting a new thread now that I have the truck and pictures. It is a 4X4 5sp manual carborated. Let me know what you need and if I have it we can work out a price plus shipping. The truck was hit in the rear so the box is no good. I also have a spare engine with lots of good parts.
What do the mirrors look like? You mind sending some pictures? My email is Thank you
Driver's mirror is no good. I might be using the passenger mirror to replace mine. I will double check condition tonight.
I just checked it and it does have a crack. It is complete, but I suspect moisture would get in it over time.
Hi! i just got into minitrucks and im doing a manual swap on my 90 sambar van. so i would like a list of things from you.
I have an engine from a 1991 and the transmission, 4X4. No engine cover, I’m looking for one as well. I do have a passenger side mirror. Shipping would be a challenge and expensive for the engine and trans. I see you are in BC somewhere, so local pick up is possible.
Curious about that front end. Wanting to do a square to round conversion on my van. would need the panel and the light housings.
I am pretty sure I tossed all that out. I might still have the plastic bezels with the side markers, I will check tonight.
Forgot to update ya. Got the trim pieces pretty quick! Now to a shelf until I can figure out how I am going to use em