First post to learn how this service works. I bought a Rusco Suzuki Carry January 2024. Knew nothing about them but always liked this toy. I thought being an automatic I could use it to help my wife learn to drive. Unfortunately, the steering is too heavy for her. A couple month ago, It would just not tick over. Thought water got into the gas tank after 4 days of rain. After days of trying to burn off the gas, draining some, I popped off the air filter housing. WTF, there was a bugs (cockroach maybe, ants) inside at the choke flap. I noticed some cover plate also missing and the carb is pretty dirty. I removed the Mikuni and decided best to buy a new carb. I took the plunge and bought a Mohashi to replace the Mikuni. After a few weeks of procrastination and laziness, a lot of study, I got up the motivation to tackle the installation. After a few hesitations of starting, the engine is sounding good. Not road tested, yet, as getting round to adjusting the valve lash. Waiting on new feeler guage as the one I had was 0.015" smallest. Will post update later and try with some pictures. Oh, I did some vacuum bypassing which I could document.
Interesting. Never heard of that brand over here in the states. A quick google shows it as being available in japan and other asia places.
Here are 2 YT videos that may be good to watch. The language is Tagalog though you will be able extract the information. I watched these several times before I tackled the installation. I bought the carburetor on Lazada which I think is a relative of Alibaba. I tired to cheat by connecting what I thought was a minimum amount of ports to get it started. It would struggle with the air Inlet being wet with gasoline. Connecting all the ports, backing off the mixture screw 5 turns, it started and ticked over. After some further research, I disconnected the EGR and blocked it's outlet pipe. Once I do the valve lash, I should be able to better tune the carburetor.
One gotcha, kind of funny, after I got the carburetor running and the engine up to temperature, I was bleeding the air out of the thermostat housing. There was a click click click click and the engine shut down. It would not start. I'm thinking something happened with the carburetor possibility as the engine was now running at temperature. I left it till the following day so the engine would be cool. Next day, on the drivers side, leaning in as no seat, I tried to start. Nope. I tried again and for some reason looked down to my right. There it was. It wasn't the carburetor that was the cause. I had installed new HT leads and hadn't properly installed the lead to the coil. It had come loose and the clicking I heard, you can guess.
Figured out how to get images to upload. Here are two of the Mikuni and the Mohashi. You can can see how the Mikuni go 'bugged' out.