I think what is needed is "Public Awareness" - think of it this way - If the average Joe knew there was a vehicle like these mini trucks available - If the average Joe knew he could be getting 35-40 miles per gallon - what do you guys think he'd do ? The main reason your business will thrive or fail is ----- information, advertising and public awareness - true or false ? I am a semi retired Firefighter in New York - used to be Politically Active , had my own business years ago - heres what I see so far. I handful of smart guys brought some mini trucks in as "Off Road - farm use - UTV" whatever you wish to call them . Another handful of smart guys started buying and reselling them - great idea - Yes ! Now, what I see is those making the money selling them to U.S. Resellers are trying to sell as many as they can before the door gets shut - can't blame them - thats business ! Resellers are investing , some are stretching their families budgets to do so. Most buyers , users and resellers are "waiting" to see what the EPA - DOT(US Government) will do next - Am I close so far ? Well lets start a "Dealer/Owners" Club Association and pool resources to "Educate" the consumer. If you wait much longer - what will happen is your opportunity will be gone - it will be to late once the ink drys in Washington . If you sit and watch - the "Agencies" will decide your fate. I volunteer any service I can - to start we all can Post about Mini trucks on any and every website you can think of - even if it doesn't look like a vehicle oriented site or board - post the positive aspects of mini vehicles - Educate people Now ! Change what you can - before you can't !
We already have a full room of club members, it here! Now lets start educating people on what they can do to help. Let get some direction here, I would post more on what to do, but I one of the many that has no clue what to do to get this rolling in the right way.
First things first, refer to "Legal issues with these trucks! " First go back and click on the post titled , "Legal issues with these trucks!" - get out a pen and paper - write down the name and address info for your state and federal reps. --- Now , make another list - list all your friends and family members , in every state - send each of them the info they need to make the same kind of list - relax - you can do this in steps - just stay with it. Now along with your request for them to join you in "Educating" our Political Leaders,personal friends and family - send them the info they need to stress - Mini trucks are environmentally friendly - high gas mileage and so on. Start there - Now ! Ill check back in a couple hours to see how your doing guys/gals - owners and future owners. Thanks Bullitt4248
Back to basics Yes others are "trying" - some are advertising - some are becoming vocal - some are going to sport vehicle and RV shows - many are trying ! What do they all have in common ? (fill in the blank> How many people read my first post yesterday - 79 according to the view counter. How many of you started your lists ? (fill in the blank> How many "Resellers" are out there "Today"? (fill in the blank> How much is each "Reseller" spending on "Personal Advertisement" ? (Averages please> How many "Resellers" will be shut down if the ,EPA or DOT rules are changed ? (fill in the blank> This isn't going to work as a "Us" against them type issue. It will work when its the consumer who says, "Why can't I have one"? True or false> Educate - create awareness - not just among those who have already seen the product. (how does that help?> Theres many smart people out there - I bet we can get a Awareness/Education program going within three weeks that could reach thousands - then millions. I am not saying thats all it would take - I am saying right now you have a handful of people , all trying to do the same thing. Thats great - but its not working. State by State things will change some for the better , some worse. Why - - not help steer the "Agency" ship instead of dreading where it docks next ? The agencies go to one "reseller at a time" - they "Educate" that person concerning their interpretation of the "Rules" - why ! Because by the time word gets around , that guys out of business - he can't afford to stand alone. The "Agencies" are not out to get us - they are just enforcing what they believe to be correct "Guidelines" - thats there job. You have to have a voice - some one else obviously does or things wouldn't be changing ! ? ! Thanks for reading this. http://bullitt4248.angelfire.com/blog/index.blog/1344822/mini-truck... - this is just an example page - not an actual tool(yet) - Just for demonstration purposes I made a Mini Truck Resellers Association Page.
Well Bullitt, a lot depends on how much some of the players in this group are willing to invest in their companies and or sport to see it survive and thrive. As with your fire dept Union, you have representatives and lobbyists that all take MONEY With enough money, we would have a voice that is heard in the government. I hope after this election the politicians will finally get the message that we do want and have a voice as individuals. I feel a mini truck association could overcome what has been done. As you stated, I dont think anyone is after us, only we have failed to show a unified front to EPA and CUSTOMS
Here is some numbers for start up Educational campaign I have already purchased these domains: www.kei off road vehicles.com www.offroad hunting vehicles.com The cost of items below will be shared among the M.T.R.A "Committed Members." There are five more names I want to purchase - for obvious reasons I will only send them to those wishing to commit. The domain names will be a total of $500.00 (per year) and will be the property and registered under the name of "Mini Truck Resellers Association." Initial Website design and start up would be $200.00.(first year). Google informational adds will be (minimum $300.00) but can be regulated by members through contributions and will link to M.T.R.A. home "Resellers" links page. Resellers will be listed by alphabet and region. This is just a starting point. Email me and I will give you all my verifiable contact/personal information. We will have supporting members stickers and news letters. OK - I committed by buying the names - now lets see who wants to "Educate the consumers and our Elected Officials!" bullitt4248@hotmail.com - Rick
I think the vehicle we now have with minitrucktalk.com is ideal plus you dont have to re direct people from a site that is already doing a good job of creating a forum for all mini truckers. I feel it would rather be a slap in Kevin's face and he could easily add a passworded section for members and keep the costs down. The $$$ spent should be in the for of a political action comittee instead of a different web site. No offense meant to you and your efforts Bullit however we need to keep this in the affordable range for all with possibly a steeper fee for those who will benefit on a continuous basis such as exporters and importers as well as customs brokers and such.
No offense taken ! - Not trying to step on toes I would join forces with anyone - we all are or should be moving toward the "Political" aspect and issues relating to securing the "Future" of the availability of import access and holding the line on restrictions that may or may not occur. Thats partially why I believe our actions should always be inclusive and educational. Politicians are driven by Votes and those who support their campaigns. As dealers/resellers - you want to maximize your return on investment. I believe if you can accomplish two goals , while spending only whats necessary - thats always better. I have no wish to cut Kevin or anyone else out of anything - I will gladly work for or with anyone who wants to promote the right of sporting , recreational or personal use of whatever mode they so choose. I am primarily a sportsman - I welcome any and all to get involved - I have already invested my time and money to purchase relevant domain names and will do all I can to become a dealer in my part of N.Y. In closing, I believe this is the beginning for mini trucks - how soon it ends will be up to those who take action - whether for or against the importation and regulation.
(copied from a post yesterday on one of the other 5 threads on the EPA.. ) ........................ Also, in getting everyone alerted/organized/informed..... That would include everyone that is a member here, guest, any and all "Mini Truck" websites, "Mini Truck " parts sales - not just mechanical parts, but anyone who sells anything on eBay or anywhere for a "Mini Truck", the people who are selling the stick on camo decals to camo the trucks, tire dealers, etc.... anyone related to owning, fixing, customizing, etc... a mini truck. Anyone that sells stuff for mini trucks and makes money.. I.E. -> The insurance companies that are selling insurance for the Mini Trucks. All of that, on top of politicions and mini truck owners.... __________________
Think we should all get on the same "page " regarding this issue. Follow this link I think they are off on the right foot and we all need to get behind 1 group, not several people trying to accomplish the same thing. The people in this group are importers and dealers of mini trucks and have the total experience on this issue http://www.minitrucktalk.com/showthread.php?t=3143
How do you figure? Domain names can be purchased for ~$10 a year. BTW They cannot contain spaces, your links are not and never will be valid domains. :sly: -Greg
Greg...he placed underscores on that URL, which translate to no spaces I believe when your browser iterprets the address specified. Example: www.kei_off_road_whatever_you_want.com
They're spaces. This is how the link comes up in my browser. HTML: http://www.kei%20off%20road%20vehicles.com/ %20 is url encoding meaning "space". Also, No one shows up owning the domain "kei_off_road_vehicles.com". I don't know. Just wanted to point that out. -Greg
Bulitt must of meant keioffroadvehicles.com and offroadhuntingvehicles.com. They are both registered under Network Solutions. My bad, I was just looking out for potential investors. -Greg
I think we have a community here, I'm not sure why we couldn't use what we already have here. This is what I've told a few people now, they want to have people go to different sites to do what they want to do. Everyone already comes to this forum and has a user/pass. We can setup a section that is password protected and we can go from there. If I'm wrong let me know.
true that Kevin is doing a great job with all this. My interest is to help grow the " Present & Future End Users" awareness. (and of course a dealership for myself) - I have no vested interest at present in either resale or importation. The reason nothing comes up on the domains names I purchased is because I was not wanting to activate my sites without a true understanding and awareness of all concerned here at minitrucktalk. I will look forward to being a Member of this Association and never would I compete with Minitrucktalk in any fashion. Although you must admit - my presence has stirred the action a little - thats my reasons for doing it.
I don't mind competition if in fact someone wants to start their own forum. My concern is that if we start creating new websites and pointing people here and there to get the information needed then it makes it hard to keep everyone up to date. Why reinvent the wheel if we already have one that's working and that everyone comes to on daily basis. I've already had a few members ask me on this. We can setup private threads that only KTA members can access and whatever else we want to do.
I agree Kevin.... Thats pretty much what I meant the other day in one of of my posts on one of the 4? threads concerning the EPA......not only would more websites make it confusing...its hard enough keeping up and deciphering the 4? threads concerning the same topic..... Actually, I keep missing where this all is now... under sub forum "EPA whatever"...???? ... just cuz I guess Im not into the habit of seeing it there yet.... means I spend too much time on here I guess... Before we can "organize" ... we need to organize. One other thing while I have the mic... The endless posts on whose fault it is and why this or that and people driving them caused all this or that.... whatever.... So maybe they did cause it??? Who gives a $#!% ...??? Its beyond that now.... and its too much irrelevent b.s. to read through..... And I'm just saying that as opinion and fact...not cuz I dont think its the 2 handfulls of people in any given state that are driving them on the roads that caused all "of this" ... which I'm still not sure any"one" knows exactly what "all of this" is.... especially when its drug out across 4 or 5 different threads and seems to be wandering elsewhere.... I have been a member here for ??? year or so.... and this place seemed well established when I got here.... I spent hours upon hours online looking for answers and researching the mini trucks..... this is the only place I go... and have seen it grow in numbers and knowledge in the past year or so.... Anyways...sorry to ramble..my 2 cents.. Lets get this together asap........
I guess I ruffled some protective feathers Jeff Garnett sent a email about KTA Association Board Member "Guidelines" "Each Board member should have a minimum 1 year experience in either the importation of, or dealership of Japanese Kei trucks." Well if I offended anyone I am sorry - as I stated "I have no vested interest in the importation or sales" at this point in time. My efforts are geared at "Public Awareness" and education. If that prompted Jeff to exclude me - then so be it. I offered - no strings attached. I will continue my efforts and hope to become a stocking reseller/dealer soon. Good Luck Gentlemen. Sorry for intruding. Bullitt4242 op:
Makes sence to you! I guess that means Mario Andriette should never have driven a car he didn't buy or build himself. What your doing is "Limiting" membership before you even have a working organization. Again no offense - but isn't that a little shallow at this point. You guys want help - but only from each other. Again Good Luck ! PS - within thirty days I'll have six domains - each with multiple web pages - each with message boards and Google ads. Drop by some time. keioffroadvehicles .com mini-truck-resellers-association .com minitruckdealers .com minitruckdealersofamerica .com offroadhuntingvehicles .com minitruckowners .com
So who's creating all the guidelines/rules for the KTA? Also, I've created a totally new section just for KTA stuff, please post new all new threads related to KTA => http://www.minitrucktalk.com/forumdisplay.php?f=41