I noticed my brakes on my '90 Carry were soft, but when I pumped a little then they were fine. The pads seem to be fine. This vehicle is a little new to me. Does it have a master cylendar or a place to put brake fluid? I can't seem to find one. Tim
The master cylinder is mounted under the dash, near the steering column. Check on the side of the dash (near the door) for a panel, which can be lifted to reveal a filler cap for the reservoir. Colin
you could get more brake grip by using a bigger brake booster (the round big black cylinder like thing between the brake pedal and the master break cylinder). the bigger brake booster are used by auto-tranny variants. i fitted one on my manual suzuki and it sat well.
Brake Booster Failure Symptoms My issue is very little braking power. I have added fluid, and blead out the system. However, I still have very little in the way of brakes. Once I cram the pedal down to the floor it will stop but not very well. I am curious if this issue sounds like a brake booster issue. I do know the truck has new rear brakes, and when I blead the front calipers the pads looked to be at least 50%. Due to my bleeding of the system, all dark colored fluid was flushed and only clear remains.
Hey. Stupid question... but is it located in the same area for a 91 Carry? I have the brake light permanently on and would like to fill up the reservoir, but alas i cant find it... ill keep looking
What did you end up doing? I am about to rebuild the master cylinder because of the same problem. Just was wondering if all the dash plastic has to come out. Thats going to be a bigger job than the master cylinder rebuild