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I can sell trucks

Discussion in 'Mini Truck Sales' started by sarge, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. sarge

    sarge Guest

    I am in Eastern Oklahoma. I have no dealers close that I can find.
    Demand for these trucks are growing here. send me some trucks and i can sell them. Can't back the money but I can make you some. Just need a demo and a hundred bucks a sale
  2. Subaru

    Subaru Member

    WOW what an offer:confused:
    You mean I can send you trucks without you even paying for them--awesome
  3. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    my dad always said "son, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is"


    what have you got to lose? i mean really, he sounds honest enough, right? all you have to do is send him a demo and some more to sell. think of all the money you'll make in volume as an "internantional" dealer! :D
  4. sarge

    sarge Guest


    Dang, ya'll are rough on a guy. I am brand new to the forum. I have no problem paying for truck just thought I could help a dealer out and myself
    sounded good at the time. No, I did not mean for someone just to send trucks on a whim to someone they don't know. I realize now that the message wasn't clear and does sound a bit fishy
  5. cmaranto

    cmaranto Member

    Sending free stuff

    Ain't America great.......
  6. glenn

    glenn Member

    how about a good picture of a demo?......I think the American phrase is "SHOW ME THE MONEY..."...eh?

  7. sarge

    sarge Guest

    Roger that, thanks
  8. glenn

    glenn Member

    .....oh...did I forget to welcome you to the forum?:sly:....sorry about that....

    welcome to the forum eh? ;)

    lol....everyone is entitled to make'n a few mistakes......gawd, I make enough on my own.......

  9. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    don't take it too hard, just a little bit of hazing :D

    you gotta keep in mind how much spam we get on the internet around here, and how an honest offer can seem like someone trying to take ya for a ride. i have no reason to question your integrity, but also no reason to trust you. fair enough?

    welcome to the forum, sarge, hope you enjoy passing your time around here.

  10. Subaru

    Subaru Member

    And to think Colin has yet to add anything:rolleyes:
  11. cmaranto

    cmaranto Member

    Taking a chance

    So a young Doctoral student at the Uni of Chicago came to a good friend of mine 40 years ago and said he had an idea......but needed 25K to get the thing rolling. My friend bit, didn't hear anything for 5 years, and wrote off the bad loan. IN 1975, he received a call from General Electric that they were prepared to buy the company. My friend pocketed 25 Million. Anybody ever hear of a cat scan. Sometimes you just have to take the chance. I applaud the guy for having Gonads as big a bushel baskets.

    If I was just a bit closer.....

    Chuck in Indy
  12. sarge

    sarge Guest

    Thanks for everyones input ,I'm licking my wounds. Seems like everyone here is good people. Forgive my Post as I still live in the time before the scams. A hanshake and a man's word was a deal. More often these days I find that is not the case as I too have fallen victim to that kind of stuff. Hope we are all good. I like these little trucks and think
    if the prices don't get to high they will be an ever growing market for them here in farm and huntin country
  13. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member


    i totally agree with you, a man is only as good as his word and unfortunately i have taken a man's word and regretted it. a handshake has been all the contract i've required for a lot of high end, big money jobs...

    my dad also said "screw me once, shame on you... screw me twice, SHAME ON ME!"
  14. sarge

    sarge Guest

    roger that Milt, Thanks
  15. glenn

    glenn Member


    ahh...someone from the old school.....is that gunny or master?

    I work on the same principal...however....we are finding that we do need a contract in place more and more often these days.....btw did you get the clip of Bush doing a speach in Tennessee?
    something about "fool me once.........fool me twice....TRY IT BUT YA CAN'T DO THAT AGAIN!.....lol.....I'll send you the clip from home if I still have it..

  16. prdjim

    prdjim Member

    I get at least 5 phone calls a week from guys that want to sell trucks. It's amazing.

    I tell them how tough it can be here in the Northeast (they are still relatively unknown, and word of mouth doesn't work because we're such assholes we don't talk to or know one another) .... anyhow...

    It's one after another who has the BEST piece of lawn upon which I should drop $40k worth of inventory.

    I understand his point, only because I've heard it so many times, It's new, It's interesting, but it's work. If you're ready to be a dealer, I'd like to know what you did to get ready.

    I must be an idiot, I didn't realize you could get them for free.

    Just bustin your balls, good luck. Let me me know if I can help.


  17. Timetripper

    Timetripper Moderator

    :D :D :D :D
    Thanks Jim, You made me laugh before breakie
  18. gregw98

    gregw98 Member

    I showed a picture of a KEI truck to my neighbors and said I am getting one, hell or high water. After some investigating, I was checking into a container
    (7). Three neighbors all said they would buy one if I ordered the container. They wanted them at cost and when I asked them for their up front money, they all started crab-crawling. "Ah, I am going to have to sk my wife" or "Oh, I thought that was the full price, I didn't know shipping wasn't included". I wasn't dumb enough to order the container on their 'cornbread dreams'. I new ahead of time these goons would do that. So for now, I am just looking fo one for me. Of course, when I get it, they will all be saying, "Didn't you order me one?" They are not trying to rip me off, they are just downright ignorant. "God, I love my turnip green neighbors".
  19. glenn

    glenn Member

    "in god we trust" all others pay cash eh?.....lol

    what's got 4 eyes but can't see?......:rolleyes:

  20. sarge

    sarge Guest

    Thanks again for all the comments (I think) Is there anyone else out there that wants to break my go nads?
    I figure if this thread stays goin, I will have met every member. Thats a good way to meet new and exiting people I guess.
    SFC sarge USA
  21. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    what branch were you in sarge? then we could have something new to pick on you for :D

    just kidding, i was US Army myself
  22. sarge

    sarge Guest

    Heh, heh, I am Army . Retire next July. 2 Tours Korea ,1 tour Iraq, 1 tour Afghanistan.
    Been with the 101st, 2nd I.D., 24th I.D, Did the Katrina thing in New Orleans and am Currently serving with 45th INFANTRY BDE out of Oklahoma

    Guess I'm just a glutten for punishment
  23. Timetripper

    Timetripper Moderator

    If you wern't before you will be after a few weeks with this bunch :)
    I'm including myself in that comment BTW:D
  24. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    i was with 12 aviation brigade in germany for 5 years, one and only unit i served with, i'm an oreo cookie.... same patch on both shoulders :D i was in WWIraq the first go around, had 5 rotations into iraq... remember the two blackhawk helicopters that the air force shot down over norhtern iraq in april of 94? that was my unit :(

    i got to do some pretty HUAH! stuff while i was in, worked mostly in a quick reaction unit tied in with special forces... unfortunately an injury following a landing and fire fight at one of saddam's palaces sidelined me and ended my military career in 98. but at least i got a few good stories to tell :rolleyes:
  25. sarge

    sarge Guest

    CHeck, Roger, and Hooah!

    The things we do . Some would Call us crazy.
    Hats off to ya Milt
  26. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    i'm not crazy, i'm trained to kill people and break $hit... that looks damn good on a resume', doesn't it?

    my best stories start of with "... so there i was, drunk... in turkey..." :D

    good times my friend, good times
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008
  27. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    what a bad a$$ i thought i was back then, i think i was 21... this was WWIraq, the first episode...

    the good...

    The bad...

    the ugly... (that's me on the ground, blindfolded)
  28. miniMOG

    miniMOG Member

    Hey Milt- Whats the story on the blindfold pic?

    You Army guys would feel right at home in my backyard---



    Welcome to the forum Sarge!

    And thanks to you all who have served! We appreciate it!

    Attached Files:

  29. glenn

    glenn Member

    .....what a change from you break'n go nads to having yours broken.....right now you're a private here but you can move up rank quickly though......
    .........your guess is right....lol

    bad a$$???....what else would we expect from a guy who was on a base in germany with "bad" in its name eh?

    btw...break'n $hit is on most peoples resume......trained to kill people only on some and usually only refers to "with looks only"....your resume IS very good though........

    Best, glenn:D
  30. Mighty Milt

    Mighty Milt Active Member

    mini mog,

    those look like the old deuce and a half's.... luckily enough i flew everywhere and never had the priveledge (or torture) of riding in one of those... most had been phased out by the time i was around and everyone had the nice new 5-tons...

    the blindfold picture... well, lets just say it gets pretty boring down there sometimes, and you come up with new ideas on what to send home to mom and dad to keep their lives interesting... yeah, i know, i'm a dick... but it's funny as hell from my perspective :D

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