What are you all getting for gas mileage in your hyjet diatsu??? I got a 95 with a 5 speed shift on the fly 4 wheel and got 20.4 miles to the gallon. I use this as a daily commuter to the rand and to home cause in south dakota you can license them. It is runned down the highway so it is rapping fairly high rpms i would say and there was about half of the miles in four wheel drive. In the articles about these they say 40 to 50 mpg!!!! That is why I got one but only 20mpg is not bad but it is no 50mpg!!!!!!!!!!!! Wondering if anybody is getting better??? I am converting this to mpg not kliks i wonder if it ain't 40-50 kliks per gallon. 20.4 mpg is 34 kliks per gallon Thanks JON
I found better mileage at slower speeds 40-45mph. The speed limits in Japan are lower and these are designed for that. 65 in a kei would be somewhat like 90 -100 in an american vehicle. Larger than stock tires will also lower mileage. I got 30 last summer doing the irrigating. 30 miles 2x a day and over half on gravel roads.
I'm averaging 30 to 32 mpg on mine, keeping to a top speed of 55. 40 to 50 mpg simply isn't gonna happen with our trucks, period.
these trucks weigh the same as a geo metro. over the years i've had 10 of the little buggers. they all got 40 mpg , some had 1,000 cc 3 cylinder , some 1,300 4 cylinder, 2 valves or 4 valves , automatic , 4 speed or 5 speed OD . the only time i ever saw much difference was pulling a load ( a 8 ft trailer with 5 space walks & fans in it 1200 lbs) then the larger motors much better mileage . i found that tires even 1 inch taller killed the mileage and power on the smaller motors . but a 1 inch shorter tire 175/50r13 helped the power with no change in mileage. that said ;my Midget II got about 40 on it's last tank . it is 2WD, lighter and has less frontal area, but the same motor . i've added a 2 inch exhaust w/ turbo muffler ( it never had a cat) fresh air intake , turned the timing up 4 degrees and run 93 octane gas. next step will be an od transmission. hoping for 45!
I have a 1995 Hijet 5 speed and the best I have mileage I have gotten is 15.8 town and 28.4 highway. I am have the carb rejetted and hope maybe for 30 mpg. This 40 to 50 mpg is a joke and if I can't get 30 I am going to sell this little thing.
Something is wrong with your trucks. I've been driving mine 36 mile round trip, 5 days a week for 1 1/2 years now and consistantly get 36 to as high as 40mpg. That's running 90 clicks with very little stop and go, stock 12" tires and unleaded gas, 1996 Diahatsu hi-jet climber, 5spd.
i have installed the 5 speed trans but find that the mileage is about the same as before. i'm still turning 4500 RPM going down the road but now i'm doing 70 mph rather than 60. i feel that i would see an improvement by slowing down. like that will ever happen.
Try running at 75KMH. But yes, people advertising 50+ MPG have either never actually driven a truck, or are outright lying. 40MPG is possible, but conditions have to be all in your favour. 50MPG is when you are being towed by something else. (I have had several people claim they got 50+, but I honestly feel its simply incorrect math.) My record was 44 in a 2WD Honda Acty. Otherwise mid 30's should be attainable a large portion of the time.
I set valve lash on my truck. i am now getting 32 US, 39 Imperial mpg city driving. Mileage went up 4 mpg and I have more power since i set it.
I find i get way better mileage in town then on the highway. but then i never get a good highway run. either head wind or lots of traffic...
I have a 2000 U62T Mitz. I was getting 32-33 and then checked the rear diff. It was full to the top. Drained it to the correct level and have been getting 37 +. I drive gravel , Interstate and a lot of 4x4. Speeds are 60 to 100 kmh.
well Ill be honest ive not been on this sight since about a year ago due to being wined at by some folks on here about getting on of these trucks licensed. Now I get on here and everyone is talking about them running down the roads and lots of you are from different states. Did something change??? Im from Ohio and would really love to have one for around town but figured I would give up on the idea but after seeing all these posts about road driving, how did you all do it.
Somewhere around 12 states have made them legal so far to some degree. When gas gets back up to 4.00 bucks a gal. I assume there will be more. We failed here in Texas this year in the legislation process so we have to wait 2 yrs. to try it again. I believe Arizona was the last to make them legal and that was recently.
it wasn't the talk of them being legal that was pissing people off so much as the talk of breaking laws i think. i know some of the distributors that are gone now were worried about losing their importation rights since the vehicles are "for off road use only" but that seems to have passed as well. it seems that if they become legal for street use that will increase distributors sales.
I drove my 91 Mits home for about $9 worth of gas which was amazing and never bothered to check the exact mileage. Then you guys talked me into not being such a pussy and wind it out, so I made several trips at 105-110 instead of 80. The last one (it's a windy & hilly 2 lane mountain road) set me back over $13 made me check. Note: it does have a 2" lift now... worked out to (in US figures) ~30 mpg. It's WAY WAY better at low (city) speeds doing service work in town. I drive it daily and fill up every 7 to 10 days for $20 - $25. Current gas price in US gallons works out to $4.04 a gallon and I won't dollar convert as $20 an hour here and $20 an hour there is still $20. I think the 50 mpg rating derives from the fact Canada used the bigger Imperial gallon, and sounds better for advertising than the 41 mpg US equivalent. I run stock 12" which are 21" tall, it will be interesting to see the difference when I get my 13" winter wheels which will be 23" tall.
my first fill up after starting the mileage test was just under 21 litres...that was for 302 km of driving (mostly in town stop and go traffic ..more stop than go) approx 35mpg U.S. gallon 41 mpg Canadian gallon..I'm happy with that..my V8 Gm 1/2 ton gets 13 city 21 highway..my F350 crewcab turbodiesel gets 21mpg no matter what...35mpg is better than my Miata!
I see i see. Well its good that more states are getting them legal. that would be the first step to getting them legallized here is to get more states legallizing them elsewhere showing Ohio that it wouldnt be the end of the world to have the legal here. I can't wait myself. I will have one immediately after i here there legal in Ohio. Like I said, It would be a very good tool for the farming we do but only if we can take it from farm to farm by driving it, not trailering it like the Ohio state patrolman smarted off to me. Ill keep my ears open and thanks for the replies.
last week i got 15mpg with my mini. (on atv trails.& off road in mud and stuff like that.) on the hiway if i drive 70 i get 40 mpg , at 80 i get 35mpg , at 100 it looks like i get 25mpg, in the city i get 35 mpg. (o ya if i drive it in the city like a race mini.. i get 25 mpg ) witch is still better then my dodge witch gets 10 mpg lol.
my 93 jumbo gets about 45 mpg (Imperial Gallons) cruising at 90 km on stock tires. I am pretty happy with that. That's traveling across Alberta on relatively flat roads.
My Piaggio Porter (Hijet 1.0 EFI kat, CB42 engine) does about 26/28 mpg on LPG running on hills and on curved streets, with two cold starting a day (i run 20+20km to go work everyday) in everyday use. On our 95ron gasoline it gets 30-32mpg, on 100ron fuel, I think it would have slightly better mileage.
I've had my 2000 U62T Mitz for 4 years, put about 80 miles a day on it. Interstate, state hwy and dirt/gravel/mud. Montana ranch stuff. Mileage 30 to 36 speed 10 to 70 mph. Running 12inch tires.