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HiJet Climber?, what is it.

Discussion in 'Daihatsu Hi jet' started by oldplug1, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. oldplug1

    oldplug1 Member

    I have heard folks talk about the "Climber", but do not know what it is.
    Could someone explain it to me?
    I am not a mechanic, and I are from Tennessee, so keep it simple please.:D
  2. oldplug1

    oldplug1 Member

    Does any one know what the Chassie number is on a climber? Can that even be determined by the chassie number?
  3. greg0187

    greg0187 Moderator Staff Member

    I think its just a name they gave early model HiJets. I have read that it originated from the 2WD version w/rear diff lock. Then later the name was used on the 4WD versions.

  4. redleaf

    redleaf New Member

    I was on hand recently to help unload 7 trucks from a container 1 honda,1 mitsubishi and 5 daihatsu. two of the daihatsus were climbers and the only thing I noticed was the climbers were equipped with a super diff switch on the dash which none of the other daihatsus had.
    One of the daihatsu climbers is now in my shed and goes in for inspection tomorow AM. I hope to have it plated and on the road tomorow PM.
    IWantOne likes this.
  5. redleaf

    redleaf New Member

    While I am on the subject of the super diff lock I have a couple of comments and questions for others on the forum. It seems to me that the super diff switch will only lock the rear axle differential and I noticed that when the switch is in "on" position it only lights up when the shifter is in low or reverse,(hi or low range). I haven't tried out my theories much yet but these are my observations so far when I have been playing in the snow in my yard.
    I would be very interested to hear from other "Climber" owners.
  6. zbadboy

    zbadboy Member

    I have two climbers in stock and will check them when I have a chance.
  7. ssmusicman

    ssmusicman Member

    I just bought a '94, does not say "climber" on it anywhere but the DiffLock on the dash works the same as described above. Only lights up in 1st or Rev, Hi and Lo Range. It does lock the rear end as it hopped across the blacktop on a hard corner.

  8. ssmusicman

    ssmusicman Member

    Did some testing with my '94 today on a soft muddy hill to see what tires I could get to spin, etc.

    Forward up hill:
    4-high, 1st gear, Diff-Lock OFF: Both front, one rear
    4-high, 1st gear, Diff-Lock ON: One front, both rear
    4-low, 1st gear, Diff-Lock OFF: Both front, one rear
    4-low, 1st gear, Diff-Lock ON: Both front, both rear

    Backward up hill:
    4-high, Reverse, Diff-Lock OFF: One front, one rear
    4-high, Reverse, Diff-Lock ON: One front, both rear
    4-low, Reverse, Diff-Lock OFF: Both front, one rear
    4-low, Reverse, Diff-Lock ON: One front, both rear

    Some of the results are what I expected, some not...
    For what it's worth,
    BranchRanch likes this.
  9. bronco351

    bronco351 New Member

    FYI..... on my 90 Hijet I jumpered the hot wire between the DIff Lock Switch and Cab Light switch. Have Diff lock in all gears now. Much better offroad now. Can handle sand dunes WAY better now.
    BranchRanch likes this.
  10. toomanymachines

    toomanymachines New Member

    I have a heavy dumper climber and I know that both axles lock up to give me full 4 wheel spin. I am looking forward to seeing what it can do with tracks.

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