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HH4 pgm-fi Distributor

Discussion in 'Honda Acty' started by HyeoJ, Jan 24, 2024.

  1. HyeoJ

    HyeoJ New Member

    Hi all, been awhile since I've been active...

    I recently figured out what's probably causing my intermittent no-start.

    I drove through a huge puddle and the problem got worse. After checking a few things I finally decided to open up the distributor (even though I have spark) and behold... lots of corrosion, and the little spring-loaded thing in the cap is stuck! (transmits voltage from the coil to the rotor).

    I was able to modify the cap and stick a rivet and a spring in so it could contact the rotor and now the car runs quite well actually, but I still want to replace it.

    Now the problem: I cannot find parts! Neither a cap nor a whole distributor. My car is fuel-injected (pgm-fi) and Honda has discontinued these parts. I'm not sure that the carburetor one will work.

    Are there any other ways to get a distributor? What first comes to mind is an aftermarket one but whenever I look something up it's in Japanese and I can't get very far.

    Any insight would be appreciated!
  2. shogun

    shogun Well-Known Member

  3. HyeoJ

    HyeoJ New Member

    The whole distributor is 30100-P1A-004

    the cap and rotor are 30102-P1A-004, and 30103-P1A-004.
  4. shogun

    shogun Well-Known Member

    quick google search example distributor 30100-P1A-004 https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/avail/30100-p1a-004.html#
    use one of the Japan auctions proxy bidder, they buy for you and ship, example https://buyee.jp/yahoo/auction?lang=en
    Or this company in Japan which is specialized on rebuilding, they also have the distributor and their p/n is DSTE00006
    here their English website http://daiko-service.com/english/ with contact address

    https://yahoo.aleado.com/0-catlist.html https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/
    cap + rotor ebay from USA https://www.ebay.com/itm/166464673879
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2024
  5. HyeoJ

    HyeoJ New Member

    Thanks for the links. I will try to order through Daiko. It looks like the correct one.

    I saw the ebay ones, but they are the ones for the carbureted van.

    I'll update when Daiko responds to my inquiry.
  6. Bert Stevens

    Bert Stevens Active Member

  7. HyeoJ

    HyeoJ New Member

    Okay so quick update.

    I was able to contact jp-carparts.com and was able to purchase a rebuilt distributor through them. Unfortunately it didn't come with a cap? The main reason I bought a whole distributor was for the cap...

    I've emailed them for a cap and we'll see what happens
  8. jordan ham

    jordan ham New Member

    Hey I’m wondering how you resolved this issue, I’m in the same position with my acty street Xi and can’t find a replacement distributor. I’ve had a few people tell me that a carb style distributor should work also.
  9. shogun

    shogun Well-Known Member

    jordan ham, you did not mention any car/engine details, so no one can reply in detail. Please add a signature to your profile with the necessary car details, then you do not have to post it every time , see my signature as example.

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