Hi all, been awhile since I've been active... I recently figured out what's probably causing my intermittent no-start. I drove through a huge puddle and the problem got worse. After checking a few things I finally decided to open up the distributor (even though I have spark) and behold... lots of corrosion, and the little spring-loaded thing in the cap is stuck! (transmits voltage from the coil to the rotor). I was able to modify the cap and stick a rivet and a spring in so it could contact the rotor and now the car runs quite well actually, but I still want to replace it. Now the problem: I cannot find parts! Neither a cap nor a whole distributor. My car is fuel-injected (pgm-fi) and Honda has discontinued these parts. I'm not sure that the carburetor one will work. Are there any other ways to get a distributor? What first comes to mind is an aftermarket one but whenever I look something up it's in Japanese and I can't get very far. Any insight would be appreciated!
contact Yokohama Motors in Japan, tell them the chassis/frame number and what you need https://www.yokohamamotors.com/ also check here in the EPC https://www.epc-data.com/ what are the part numbers you need?
quick google search example distributor 30100-P1A-004 https://store.shopping.yahoo.co.jp/avail/30100-p1a-004.html# use one of the Japan auctions proxy bidder, they buy for you and ship, example https://buyee.jp/yahoo/auction?lang=en Or this company in Japan which is specialized on rebuilding, they also have the distributor and their p/n is DSTE00006 http://daiko-service.com/index.php?MO=default&AC=info&pkey=209 here their English website http://daiko-service.com/english/ with contact address DAIKO SERVICE INC., 978-1KAMAMURO, MINAMI-KU, SAKAI, OSAKA 590-0122 JAPAN https://yahoo.aleado.com/0-catlist.html https://www.fromjapan.co.jp/en/ cap + rotor ebay from USA https://www.ebay.com/itm/166464673879
Thanks for the links. I will try to order through Daiko. It looks like the correct one. I saw the ebay ones, but they are the ones for the carbureted van. I'll update when Daiko responds to my inquiry.
Okay so quick update. I was able to contact jp-carparts.com and was able to purchase a rebuilt distributor through them. Unfortunately it didn't come with a cap? The main reason I bought a whole distributor was for the cap... I've emailed them for a cap and we'll see what happens
Hey I’m wondering how you resolved this issue, I’m in the same position with my acty street Xi and can’t find a replacement distributor. I’ve had a few people tell me that a carb style distributor should work also.
jordan ham, you did not mention any car/engine details, so no one can reply in detail. Please add a signature to your profile with the necessary car details, then you do not have to post it every time , see my signature as example.