FUEL THOUGHT'S! Addatives, or no addatives!

Discussion in 'Tips and Tricks' started by Limestone, Dec 6, 2020.

  1. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    Hello to All! We all seem to have fuel issues, problems from time to time, with these units. Mostly we seem to inherit these problems as we become owners. For years I've been a big fan, and have stated that on this forum, of Fuel additives, like Stabil! Especially the blue Marine Stabil! For obvious Reasons! I enjoy conversing with several other friend's who are professional Mechanics, who repair vehicles, of all kind for a living! I have learned a lot from them, as I have here on the Forum! I will continue to do so as long as I'm able. It's one of the Many Hobbies that I enjoy! So recently, I broke one of my own little rules, or code of habit, if you will. Anything with a motor, fuel, needs to Run! RIGHT? RIGHT!!! Well, we all get busy, and with no exception, I kept telling myself, that I need to get the other, bigger 4 wheeler out and run it! I didn't. So it wound up sitting for a little over a year. Yeah, clean new fuel with Stabil in it. Didn't seem to matter. Got to visit with our youngest, son, got home, the Day before Thanksgiving, to load up, and get ready for Hunting camp. The 4 wheeler, just didn't want to start. I had a lot of packing up to do, in a short time slot just like we all do. I talked to my buddy, who Runs the Heavy Equipment shop, that I used to work at, and he told me to pull it off and take a ride up, (20 min. away), So I did! The small primary jet, inside the Carb. was blocked Solid! After soaking, it in Awesome,(worked great), and finally a VERY TINY welders TIP cleaner, we got it cleaned out. Even Carb. cleaner wouldn't touch this hard formed fuel, in the JET! You Have to be carefull not to use a machinists drill bill .033, or smaller, because if the inside of the Jet is tapered or has a step in it, you'll ruin it! Sometimes the fastest easiest way isn't always the Best way! A paper clip was too big in Diameter, so you see where I'm going with this. A tiny thin Diameter strong piece of metal is hard to find to clean the Jet out! We've always found the Welders tip cleaners to be the best! Got home, and on Thanksgiving Morning, installed the Carb.! BINGO!!! She Fired right up! I got my Buddy on Speaker phone, and it was Music to Our Ears! I don't think that it ever ran that good, Ever! So, I do use Lucas oil products, fuel additive, once a month in the Winter months, at fill ups to help keep injectors clean! HERE'S THE BOTTOM LINE! The Fuel that we buy today is terrible!!! My friend at the H. E. shop, swears by Racing fuel at a 110 octane! (He has A lot of Experience) Once in a while, or as an ADDITIVE! After what I've seen, my own fault, with my 4 wheeler. I will be using Racing fuel, as an additive, for fuel stabilization! Another friend uses Marine fuel, 94 Octane, @ about $4.00 bucks a gallon! I can afford the $8.00 a gallon for the Racing fuel, as an additive, and save time and aggravation, on my own part. Some of you stated in the past that you run premium fuel.(94 octane), SMART, all the time! Eliminates problems, especially Carbureted vehicles! I will improve upon my own practices and learn from this experience! My new Practices are, High test,(94 octane), With, Racing fuel,(110 octane), as a fuel stabilizer, additive, for anything that I own with a Carb.! Especially my Mini truck, that like to warm up before it runs!!! Good Luck! Stay Healthy!
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  2. Jigs-n-fixtures

    Jigs-n-fixtures Well-Known Member

    If your running a daily driver you don’t need to add a fuel stabilizer. I do on a rare occasion add a bit of denatured alcohol/stove fuel.

    Older vehicles can have issues with the methanol in most modern pump gas attacking the rubber in the fuel system. When they first started adding methanol to the fuels in the late 80s, I had problems with it eating all sorts of things in my late sixties, and mid seventies vehicles.

    Japan went to alcohol fuels in the mid eighties, so I wouldn’t expect that most of our minitrucks will have any issue with fuels containing methanol.
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  3. Arty

    Arty Active Member

    Limestone is right. Today's fuel is crap. I use a couiple of things for my fuel.
    As a stabilzer, I use a product called "Fitch Fuel Catalyst". It comes in the form of a sort of pellets, encased in a nylon cage that you drop into your fuel tank. It is apparently some sort of catalyst, that reacts with the fuel, but is non sacrificial, so lasts for an extremely long time. I have used these things for years, and have found that even in a gas can stored for almost a year,the fuel still smells fresh. - - Beleive me, I am not recommending you store your fuel that long, but it still helps.
    Secondly, I built a "motorized bicycle" with a hot-rodded 2-stroke motor a few years ago, and it is really picky about fuel. Premium fuel is a nice idea, but when you are only filling a 1 gallon gas can, chances are, if you are at a multi-fuel pump,. there is probably already a good portion of a gallon of regular grade gas in the hose, if that's what the last person using the pump selected. So you get a gallon of regular grade gas for the price of premium (if you catch my drift).
    So what I do is drop in one or two "napthalene based" moth balls per about five gallons of regular grade gas. Call it an urban ledgend if you will, but when your riding a tiny little two stroke, any little improvement shows, and the bike runs better on the moth-balls. - - You have to be selective with the moth-balls though. The older style one are "napthalene based" and stink like moth balls always did. Newer formulated moth-balls apparently don't use "naptha", and won't work. - - Try it at your own risk.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2020
    Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.
  4. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    I understand your point. The difference being the Daily driver part, and I couldn't agree more! For me, I say I try to keep it simple, and I always wind up with a lot of Irons in the Fire! Leaving that 4 wheeler set that long, is my whole point, that's why, I'm gonna adopt my friends thinking, with the Racing fuel, placed into tanks when I'm done running them for the season,(for winter), and I'm sure it will help! My point being, it can't hurt!
  5. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    I haven't heard of that either! I know back in the day, the guy's at the track would do something similar with moth balls, but I haven't tried it!
  6. Arty

    Arty Active Member

    If I was still racing, mothballs would be in my tool box - guarantied
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  7. SDK1968

    SDK1968 Active Member

    i run sea foam in everything during the winter.

    mini truck

    they all get it put into the tank with a full tank of fuel in the fall. that way its no worries whether i start them or not.
    Adam C Spry and Limestone like this.
  8. Limestone

    Limestone Well-Known Member

    I've had good luck with the Sea Foam also!
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  9. Jim Nelson

    Jim Nelson Active Member

    Add me to the Seafoam fan base. I never believed in any "mechanic in a can" products until I heard about this product on this site.
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  10. Adam C Spry

    Adam C Spry Member Supporting Member

    I am glad to hear that there are seafoam fans here. I have been using it along with premium fuel in my highish mileage VW GTI, due to its tendency for carb buildup and fuel system sensitivity with good luck. I am also intrigued by Racing fuel. I will give it a try for sure. I have never heard of moth balls in the tank, and I might be too chicken to try that!
  11. trktrd

    trktrd Active Member

    Ditto on the sea foam. Use that stuff in every from lawnmowers to diesel truck.
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  12. Double M Farm

    Double M Farm New Member

    Yep, put me in the Seafoam user group. I put it in all my cars, trucks, lawnmowers, tractors, chainsaws, garden tillers, heck, on my farm, if it takes fuel, it gets a dose of seafoam. I wonder, if I drink it will it make me run better too!?:rolleyes:
    Adam C Spry likes this.
  13. trktrd

    trktrd Active Member

    Just had to get that thought out there didn’t ya. Let you know how it tastes in coffee in the morning. Only worry is that it might have “laxative” qualities.
    Double M Farm and Adam C Spry like this.
  14. Double M Farm

    Double M Farm New Member

    Hey, at my age, that may not be a bad thing!:D

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