Hey everyone, so I’ve had my truck for a little under a month so far and have been going through it trying to get it running properly. New Distributor cap, rotor, wires, alternator, fuel filter, so far. When I got it the carb was all out of wack and idling at almost redline on cold starts. I know they idle high after starting to begin with but this was out of control now it’s back to normal after a little tuning. That being said the car drives well but after about 15 minutes of constant driving it will die and stall out at red lights or if I’m just coasting in neutral. Any ideas on what I should be looking for next to fix this issue?
I had a similar issue where after the engine warmed it would start stalling and not run until the engine was cool again. I replaced a bunch of parts trying to troubleshoot, but it ended up being the distributor mounted igniter which is like a $20 part. Been running well since. It’s an easy part to “throw at it” because of the low cost, but you may want to check plugs, wires, solenoids (on carburetor) etc.
The only other thing I haven’t checked were the plugs (laziness) and the solenoids. I have an extra carb that has good solenoids on it I’ll be swapping out this weekend. As for the igniter you’re talking about. It’s the module with the 4 prongs on the back right? The one in the photo?
here is a link on ebay to the igniter https://minitrucktalk.com/threads/1990-honda-acty-street-no-spark.22009/#post-127551
standard: spark plugs: NGK BKR6-11 for Model Code: HA3 / HA4 / HA5 / HH3 / HH4,Engine Type: E07A, Genuine Parts No.: 98079-5614E / 980795614E , BKR6E11 How to change Spark Plugs on Honda Acty HA4. or DENSO K16PR-U11 or NGK IRIDIUM max spark plug BKR6EIX-11P 2574 for HONDA ACTY HA3・4・5 E07A (quite expensive) The spark plugs on your Honda Acty should be changed every 30,000-50,000kms to ensure your engine is operating at peak efficiency, and giving you the best fuel economy. https://robrobinette.com/Honda_ACTY.htm#Spark_Plugs mentions: Spark Plugs: Need 3, NGK BKR6E-11 (recommended), ND K20PR-U11 or Champion Iridium 9001, Spark Plug Gap: 1 - 1.1 mm. Access the spark plugs by removing the truck bed engine access panel by removing its four 14mm bolts (see engine photo above). Remove the throttle cable support bracket (one 10mm bolt) to give you room to get the #2 spark plug wire off. in case you need spark plug wires for E05/07A engines, read here https://minitrucktalk.com/threads/spark-plug-wires-for-e05-07a-engines.20386/ PLEASE add your car details as signature, much easier for us to help. See my signature. Top right go to your user name/profile and then click on signature