Hey I bought a Suzuki carry DD51T for 200bucks.was a very good deal especially since it's almost perfect condition.but carb was junk so put new carb on and tuned the big screw on the top for a/f mixture.it idles good and it has good power up to just over half throttle and it bogs bad.and other tuning I can do on it? And could it be to much vacuum on the distributer advance? I have it directly to vacuum.
Provide a little more info...what gear or speed are u in when it bogs down? Explain the bogging down in greater detail as well. Are u just not getting any power or is it literally slowing down or almost dying?
Any gear any speed also does it in nuetral it's only when I mat it in nuetral it like bogs down. And when in gear it does it if I try and go over 3/4 throttle.otgeriwse runs pretty decent. And when it does bog you can hear it threw the carb intake gets super loud.and it slows down.like it's just getting way to much fuel or something but there is only one adjustment that I have found.and it's for idle air I think .but it's a brand new carb also.so none of the choke vacuum things are setup either yet.
Ah ha...u will need to get the vacuum lines hooked up correctly before u can diagnose the true problem if it is still occurring after that. There are several good threads non the vac um diagrams on this forum to help u get it right. Let me know if get stumped some where and I can walk u thru it'
Ok so all vaccume is good I took a video of it.not very good but ya lol you can hear it at the end of each rev gets louder that it bogging out and I let off the throttle.
I think ur carb is running too rich and it needs more air. Take off the black hose running to the air box from the carb. Start ur truck and Take your finger and open up your choke flap as open as is it can get. Then take your other hand and hit the accelerator and see if it still bogs down. If it doesn't then u need more air and need to adjust your choke flap screw. if u screw it towards the seat it is opening the flap open more. I keep mine wide open in the summer then close it as cold weather and fall starts.
Where is that screw at ? And just turn it all the way in? And ya itbrevs up perfect if I take hose off
Yes i would start by turning it all the way in until it is completely seated, that is as far open as it can get. You can always work it back once the temperature drops in your area and you need to choke it more on cold starts. I have already had to adjust mine back closed more and the temperatures are only getting into the 40's here in MO right now. Attached is a photo of where the screw is. It should be on the side of the carb that faces the bed of the truck and is below the throttle cable before the throttle Cam the cable hooks to. Mine on my new carb is a phillips,but my old carb it was a flat head. I read somewhere that these trucks run rich here in the states because of the elevation difference between Japan and mountains.... Makes sense if you think about it. Also not sure if you are running premium in your truck, but i would suggest that for easier cold starts and better performance.
Well I tightened it down all the way still does same thing it's like it's getting way to much fuel at a certain point.is there something I can adjust inside the carb?
U said it revs up perfect without the hose on correct? When is the last time u changed the air filter? Also have u checked to make sure all of the air hoses are not clogged up leading to the air filter. If u know it runs good without the hose on maybe the problem is before u get to the carb somewhere.
New filter today and it does it some with tune off also I just wasn't revving it high enough before but it does get worse with tube on and I don't have and tubes onto airbox anymore
Well I would be removing the carb, cleaning it and using a new seal kit for good measure. Possible your needle is getting hung up. Also see this thread for tuning. https://minitrucktalk.com/threads/93-carry-dd51t-carb-tuning.17990/ May not be the fix but if you go through your carb, put a gasket kit in and tune it back to factory, then that can be eliminated. You mentioned you have you distributor directly hooked to vacuum? The number one reason for these trucks not running right is incorrect vacuum routing. I would seriously suggest checking all you vacuum routing so that can be eliminated as well. All the information in on here. Just some work is required to find it. See the thread "desperately need tuning help" for vacuum info. Good luck!
I'm thinking this carb is just to different I got it off eBay.carb is clean.and you know how the original carbs had that needle that when in the vaccume throttle part in the middle of the carb this doesn't have that it still has the tube but no needle so what I'm thinking is when it gets to a certain point it just is takeing in un meatered gas threw that tube and flooding it so might have to buy another carb
Try www.grimports.com I just bought a new one from them, around $400 after the $100 core return. It did come as a 3+3 carb which is a little different but was easy to figure out the vac lines.
I bought a mikuni tm 32 I'm gunna use seen a couple peaple do it.now I just need to know the spacing on the carb bolts so I can order the adapter anyone know ?