Hi everyone! I am a brand new Suzuki Carry DB51T owner and I wanted to share some of my research making sense of the model number system that Suzuki has for their kei trucks. I wanted to answer questions I was having such as "Would a carb from a DD51T fit my DB51T? How about from a DB52T? When did the 1990 model year transition from a 550cc to 660cc engine? What other model numbers should I consider when looking for parts? etc." The numbering system didn't make much sense to me as a new Suzuki kei truck owner. So I began to research about the various differences between model numbers. There are numerous threads here comparing one model to another (e.g. DD51T to DB51T) but what I wanted was a more complete chronology of the model numbers throughout the years. That's when I eventually stumbled onto http://suzuki.epcdata.ru/carry/. This site has a (seemingly) complete table with the model codes with their descriptions. The problem is that the site has been defunct for several years now. This was solved by loading the site into the Wayback Machine, an archive that takes snapshots of websites throughout the years. A snapshot of the site survived from April 1st 2018 with the complete table: https://web.archive.org/web/20180401124624/http://suzuki.epcdata.ru/carry/ Now that I had this data, I wanted to sort though the data to see which model would have been similar to my DB51T. I scraped the data from the site and loaded it into MS Excel. From there I tidied up the data so it could be sorted. I then sorted by engine size, displacement, year, and drivetrain. Using my excel sheet, I found what I believe to be the "sister" models to my DB51T: DB51T - 660 Carry 4WD 90-91 DB51V - 660 Every 4WD 90-91 DD51T - 660 Carry 4WD 91-97 DF51V - 660 Every 4WD 91-97 DA51T - 660 Carry 2WD 90-91 DA51V - 660 Every 2WD 90-91 DC51T - 660 Carry 2WD 91-97 DE51V - 660 Every 2WD 91-97 Now I can expand my search for parts so I don't have to limit myself to the parts labeled for the DB51T specifically. Need a body panel? I'd look for DB51T, DD51T, DA51T, and DC51T since those are all the truck bodies. Drivetrain? I'd look for DB51T, DB51V, DD51T, and DF51V since those are all 4WD. etc. Is this foolproof? No, but it definitely gives me a whole lot more to go off of than not knowing anything at all. The Google Drive link below is the excel I made so if anyone wants to learn what the sister models are to their vehicles, or just want to see the chronology of the Suzuki kei trucks from 1987 to 2007, they may do so by downloading my spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ouid=110492976856201992495&rtpof=true&sd=true Also, if I have made an error, let me know so I can correct the spreadsheet or the information in this post. I'd like this thread to be here to help new future kei truck owners. I hope this helps new owners like it did for me! -Rob
Very cool! Can you dump the excel as a CSV file too? I don't have excel on my Win11 boxes cause MS charges for it now. Thanks.
Good idea! There were multiple sheets so there are 4 CSV files. All contain the same data, just organized differently. Scraped Data (unchanged from website) Sorted Alphabetically Sorted by Manufacturing Start Date Sorted by Body>Engine>Drivetrain
Yeah, according this my van was probably actually manufactured in 1997, not 1995 as my paperwork says.