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Canadian Hijet Cold Start Problem

Discussion in 'Daihatsu Hi jet' started by twj332, Sep 3, 2009.

  1. twj332

    twj332 Member

    Been reading threads and have similar issue with my Canadian Hijet as outlined by Terry in this thread: http://www.minitrucktalk.com/showthread.php?t=4671&highlight=starting+problems

    If engine cools down or sits over night.

    Issue: Cold start - when truck has been sitting and engine cools down. I have to pump/depress gas pedal (short distance) & rapidly in order to start the truck. Once it starts I then need sit and hold down gas pedal slightly to keep at higher rpm till warm or it will stall.

    In past, I would start and engine without touching gas at all and it would go to high idle for short period until it warm up and run good.
    I have changed plugs, air filter and oil regular.

    Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
    Thanks :)
  2. dwbarg

    dwbarg Member

    What model is your truck? Check the timing.
  3. twj332

    twj332 Member

    cold start issue

    1991 Daihatsu HiJet M-S83P-GDK, Engine: EF-CS SOHC6 valve Cab 659cc displacement .65litres

    not sure about what the timing setting are either.:frustration:
  4. starpuss

    starpuss Member

    seafoam it .
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2009
  5. TRAX and HORNS

    TRAX and HORNS Well-Known Member

    This will sound crazy, go and tap on carb.and float bowl with a end wrench. I was having the problem a couple of months ago. Did 220.00 worth of parts to the truck and it worked great for about one month. Same thing started again, had to pump gas pedal to get it up to operating temp. and it would run fine then. Went out the other day to screw around with it some more and thats the first thing I did. Tap on the freaking carb. and it started right up. Might be the floats sticking?? Ive had the carb. off and on and apart so many times I can do it in my sleep. Everything looks good. Ran sea foam though it. Anyway truck is starting like it should the last two days. Go figure. Its a retail truck so I need to find out whats going on before I sell it.
  6. tyfyeq

    tyfyeq Member

    i was having the same problem until i changed all the breather lines on top of the carb and cleaned all the crap off the choke
  7. twj332

    twj332 Member

    Ok - thanks Folks

    Have been running an engine cleaner from Canadian Tire through gas in past; but on StarPuss's suggestion found some Seafoam at Napa Auto Parts (Canada) and tried that last nite.

    Today I will clean the hoses and get some Seafoam spray and do the throttle body and floats too.

    I will keep you posted & thank you for your input too!!
  8. minitruck.ca

    minitruck.ca Member


    There seems to be two issues with the Daihatsu carbs one is the original float need is all brass and they will develope a wear ring where the needle meets the base and it will get caught on the side of the seat cylinder. The other issue is the choke cylinder the water flow can get restricted or the woods metal inside can become faulty causing the choke not to open. If you are having trouble with your needle and seat we have carb kits. www.minitruck.ca
  9. TRAX and HORNS

    TRAX and HORNS Well-Known Member

    Ive had plenty of Daihatsu's go though my hands the last 2 1/2 yrs. and this one is the only one I ever had a problem with. Of all the trucks made I like the Daihatsu better.
  10. Seafoam it.

    Seafoam is the answer for everything I fixxed a CD player that way, if your old lady is bothering you Seafoam her, also good as a cologne/gun oil..................ok I am joking.

    I had troubles with the way it ran and started cold. I did not get much in the carb with the spray. But I got enough, -5 C cold no pedal and it fires up now.

    I ran it at 3000 rpm with a flashlight on the pedal sprayed it in the carb with the aircleaner off.

    Shut it off, floored it sprayed a bunch in with the straw with airlceaner off.

    Let it sit for 5 minutes.

    Started it up and sprayed some more in at 3000 rpm with it running.

    Runs like a top.

    May not be the problem, but it cannot hurt.
  11. When you get this sorted out let me know. I have exactly the same problem but have learned to live with it. Once it's running for a few minutes (depends on temp) it will idle but miss. After it warms up no problems.
  12. Spark plug wires, throw them away and get new ones
  13. I don't have a problem once it warms up and still runs well on rainy wet days so doubtful it's the wires.
  14. twj332

    twj332 Member

    The issue is with the Carb - linkages all seized and now we in rebuild mode - unfortunately the carb kit does not include a diaphragm with "L-shaped arm"
    Pictures here: http://www.minitrucktalk.com/showthread.php?t=6477

    Any suggestions for this part would be appreciated.
  15. Can you switch it out with a external choke pull off diaphram? Older imports with carbs would have small external type pull offs.
  16. WELDER

    WELDER Member

    Sorry to stray a bit off topic, but I have the exact same problem.

    "when truck has been sitting and engine cools down. I have to pump/depress gas pedal (short distance) & rapidly in order to start the truck. Once it starts I then need sit and hold down gas pedal slightly to keep at higher rpm till warm or it will stall"

    Only difference is, my Sambar has an EFI 660cc.

    I am going to track down some new plugs today, as I do have a weak spark at the moment, but will Seafoam clean the EFI?

  17. fupabox

    fupabox Well-Known Member

    Seafoam in the fuel will clean an efi...your cold start problem is prob due to junk collected in the cooling system around your carb heated choke...flush the cooling system properly with a good rad flush and refill....seafoam is always good in the fuel system......I don't think your truck is an efi..1991 unless supercharged from the factory are all carbs,I may be wrong
  18. WELDER

    WELDER Member

    Thanks fupabox. Always so wise. ;)

    I'll go grab some carb cleaner and some new plugs.
  19. fupabox

    fupabox Well-Known Member

    LOL we seem to be playing forum tag today.....tag....you're it ;)
  20. TRAX and HORNS

    TRAX and HORNS Well-Known Member

    Sea Foam will work in most cases. I love the stuff. The DD51T I had recently had about 1/3 of a can put directly into carb. with good results but not good enough results. 1/2 can went into fuel tank. The truck still had a stumble to it at half pedal. I decided to pull the carb. Jeezz, that puppy still had a lot of varnish in the bowl and the orficeses in the high and low speed jets still had build up in them. The floats had junk on them, the float valve had junk on it as well. I cleaned all that off and I ordered a kit and varooooooom. But yes the sea foam will work but sometimes you have to go with plan B.
  21. WELDER

    WELDER Member

    Ok fupa, I sent an email to Affordable Fuel Injection with my idea and slight problem. I'm most likely going to end up with a custom built tbi with a very simple controller. :)

    Thanks for the info trax, maybe next weekend the carb will come apart.

    I sprayed half can of gunk carb cleaner (all I could get on Sunday, since Napa isn't open until tomorrow) in the carb and installed new plugs. It always ran well, but now it seems to run even smoother, and revs up faster. We'll see how it starts up cold tomorrow morning.
  22. Barrenlander

    Barrenlander New Member

    My Daihatsu starts great in the cold. don't have to touch the gas. -20c seems no problem. Seems to be running better as I drive it more. Gas mileage seems to be going up, as I seem to be putting less gas in when I fill once every 2 weeks.

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