Camo Mini Trucks

Discussion in 'General Truck Info' started by MiniMuscle, Feb 14, 2008.

  1. De-icer

    De-icer Member

    relax, you're taking this waaaaaaay to seriously, it's a camoclad discussion on a mini truck website, nobody really cares.
  2. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah lets not get to crazy here. Lets keep it cool :D
  3. zbadboy

    zbadboy Member

    These exact comments should have been directed at Jeremy. He is the one that asked for a PM and then decided to blast me on the open forum. I'm all about civility.:D
  4. kmoneil

    kmoneil Administrator Staff Member

    Well lets leave it at that. Thanks!
  5. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member is still standing by the $50.00 price for member of this forum.
  6. De-icer

    De-icer Member

    pay for your advertising minimuscle (aka camo4u)
  7. dwink

    dwink Member

    I don't work for the company, but that price is cheap for camo sheets. This forum is for sharing info and if someone finds good info to help others, there is no problem sharing. They did say they would only honor the price if you mentioned this website. Hopefully no one will get me with there poison keyboard after I post this.
  8. De-icer

    De-icer Member

    That's cool but that's camo4u, don't pretend your someone else:D
  9. dwink

    dwink Member

    Actually, I just purchased 4 sheets of camo in the "Gameguard" pattern (South Texas style) from CAMOWRAPS out of Louisiana and it was considerably more than 50 bucks a sheet. I would like to put in a free plug for CAMOWRAPS @ for anyone who needs specialty camo patterns like "Gameguard" or "Brushcountry". I am in no way associated with them or the other companies mentioned. Check my profile and past posts. I just believe in free speech and non-censorship. If the advertisers cannot compete they need to find a business with less margins and more profits or provide superior service. This is a forum to share ideas and information about mini trucks.
  10. De-icer

    De-icer Member

    No argument there, camowraps does have some sweet designs no one else has:cool:
  11. Gawdzuki

    Gawdzuki New Member

    REALLY like the long leaf pine and the mixed pine for the South East. The camo flames would be neat..:D
  12. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    There are a ton of good looking camo patterns out there.
  13. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    Do you have any pics with a mini truck in that pattern? I am curious to see how it turned out.
  14. dwink

    dwink Member

  15. Colin

    Colin Member

    Wow, cool looking truck. I'm more impressed by the seat and rack than the camo. :D
  16. volkswagen50

    volkswagen50 Member

    I too was looking for the blue camo. It's pricey in comparison I guess because less people buy it. It's all just printed out anyway. Even the black and white was cheaper! I did find the bedliner stuff at Northern tool for 90 odd bucks, and it came in a couple colors. I haven't put it on yet, but will soon. It came in white which is much cooler in the summer.
  17. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    that is a sweet looking truck - thanks for sharing
  18. Heiny57

    Heiny57 New Member

    Doesn't any body rattle can these with Krylon and stencil patterns. I have seen more paint on then cladded.
  19. dwink

    dwink Member

    A few people stencil these trucks, but the camo tape is popular as well. I debated stenciling, but went with te tape.
  20. 4Wheelin

    4Wheelin Member

    I bought the Caomclad kit and was given 4 sheets. However I only used 2 and 1/2 sheets. It wasnt too easy to put on, but I had help from Natural Light.

    CamoClad Mossy Oak Obsession


  21. draggbody

    draggbody Member

    That sure looks great for using only 2 1/2 sheets!
  22. 4Wheelin

    4Wheelin Member

    It goes a lot farther than you think it will. I would cut out 1 ft squares mostly. That made it easier to put on versus a piece the entire length of the door. That way I didnt have any scrap left over either.
  23. Heiny57

    Heiny57 New Member

    BE WARNED.......... If you camo to good you might loose it.

    I know people who got lost looking for their 4 wheeler.

    Just kidding
  24. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    great job for only 2.5 sheets - cool pics too
  25. 4Wheelin

    4Wheelin Member

    Thats funny right there!

    Thanks MiniMuscle!!
  26. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    sure thing - do you have anymore pics?
  27. 4Wheelin

    4Wheelin Member

    Gonna try and get some this weekend at Broad River if the wife can get out of this bridal shower that a freind of hers is having Saturday. She doesnt really want to go but if she does go then I will be at home with the two babies.
  28. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    not too shabby for a stencil job. I wonder how many hours that took?
  29. MiniMuscle

    MiniMuscle Member

    does anyone have pictures of a truck done up in a realtree pattern? Hardwoods or AP

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