I think the alternator might have gone out on me over the weekend. Anyone know the best way to test it to see if it’s bad? The engine died on me while I was driving and the engine will crank but It won’t start. Any ideas that will help me save some time trouble shooting would be appreciated!
I doubt it was the alternator, if its cranking then the battery has at least enough charge to turn over the engine. The battery at rest should be 12+ volts, if not its probably not charged up all the way. The alternator when measured at the battery (when running) should be about 13+ volts if its working correctly. I would verify first that you have gas, spark and compression. Then if its all good get a jump and see if it starts. If it still doesn't start you have some other issue. Also it helps to add the truck details to your signature. I assume you have a Carry but don't know what year. Welcome to the forum!