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Discussion in 'General Truck Info' started by paxton, Oct 3, 2024.

  1. paxton

    paxton New Member

    truckall wxci x cab. fuel inj. cranks forever an chuggs fir a min then runs fine. always lomg start. checkd fuel press ,ect cant find anything wrong. now runs for 3 min or so driving an runs great.....then acts like running out of fuel....but its not,swapd out relays ect,nothing. as sone as it almost dies you can imedeatly strart back up an run good for a minet maby....then same thing. no check eng light,just barly runs till dies or you kill an start right back up. thinking of juncking efi an popin on a big minuki carb an be done with it......or just ls swap it an have all the power i want.
  2. Bowe

    Bowe Member

    Did you monitor fuel pressure after shutdown to see if it’s bleeding off somewhere? Assuming that model primes fuel pump when key is turned to on position, turn key to on position and wait ~5 seconds before cranking. Might have a leaky injector.
  3. paxton

    paxton New Member

    yes,checkd all that. its all good. have went through everything i would have done when i was a mechanic for 17 yrs. only thing i havent been able to do is scane it, dont have a scaner anymore....but also no check eng light eather. its raelly weird.....will run great for about 1/4 mile.....then just like starvung for fuel ( checkd while running and its not) and if you kill it or runnit till it dies and soon as dies crank back up....runs great for maby 20 or 30 secs.....then have to do all over again. i even unplugd inj an adapted a minuki from one of my old harly drag bikes an it did same thing.....really stumpd.

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