Hey guys. Got a few questions on A/C. I searched around the forum and couldn't really find what i'm looking for. I've got a 92 Hijet jumbo cab with the s83p and a 5 speed. It did not come with a/c, but i have seen a few trucks the same year and model with it, so i know it's an option. Does anybody know where i can find a kit for my truck? Should i look for another truck to rob the a/c from? What's all this gonna cost me? And finally, is it even worth my effort to try and get a/c in a non a/c truck? I'm really hoping somebody can help me out with this. It's getting really hot down here, and it sure would be nice to role up my blacked out windows and crank the a/c.... Thanks in advance, Joel
ac Ive done it in some other cars and it is worth it if you need it. Just take it easy and slow, Im gona get one for my midget 2 soon from some other really small car, compressor is the hardest thing to overcome, everything else is on a hose or wires and can be put where ever. You need to see one that has it to get ideas on where to put things.
Ive talked to Chris at Bull Dog and he's done a few ac jobs. Last conversation with him about installing ac's he was going to pass on them from now on. From the side of doing one and trying to make money on it its not worth it for him. Now doing it for yourself is another story. Ive looked around at some smaller self contained units but they were pricey. Finding all the factory pieces to put one together is going to be fun part. Just a thought might find one that you see on a RV. With the extended cab you got enough room. In any case I think you will also have to go with a bigger output alternator and bigger battery if going aftermarket.
um... not meaning to be an a$$ or anything... but why not sell the truck you presently have and find one with the ac you want? IMHO it would possibly be cheaper and certainly easier. z DOH! just saw how old the original post was....
I've got a Jumbo with an aircon that doesn't work. Japan is now getting hot and humid, and I really want an aircon. Went to my local dealer, his first reaction was, "why bother!" Anyway, I can get it done at a costly price but it needs R12 gas. Well this gas is banned in most countries now and you can get a retrofit with R134 gas, but that is more money and problems. If you can get an aircon that runs the R134 gas you shouldn't need to worry. You will spend a lot of time on the internet searching, as I have, then adding up all to dollars. Good luck on your search. Sherlock.
What exactly dosent work on it? compressor, evaporator, condenser? Just find out what dosent work, buy one and fix it!
i to have a hijet jumbo 5 speed, s83p 1992, i bought this truck because it had AC and the dealer told me it might just need to be filled. So i took it to a friend of mine and asked him to fill it(hes a professional in ac and refridgerarion) and he check and said theres lots of gas in it, first thing he said was that the clutch thinger wasnt spinning, and that it was an electrical problem somewheres. IVE BEEN PULLING MY HAIR EVER SINCE!!! I i took a try at it, but it just to much for me! Any one have same problem?
HI, very simple. The compressor has an electric -magnetic- clutch, if it has 1 wire going to the front of the compressor then put 12 volts to it and it should click with engine off and spin when engine on. If 2 wires then one is ground and one is 12 volts when air conditioner is called for, test for this. If this works but compressor dosent spin when ac is turned on you are not getting 12 volts to compressor and you can go from there. No click or spin when your sure 12 volts getting to compressor then bad clutch, remove and replace. A bad compressor can ruin a clutch too, inner pully part on compressor should turn independently from outer belt part of compressor when off, outer part grabs inner part when electric clutch is on. If you cant turn inner part-shaft-of the compressor by hand then compressor is locked up and bad. I hope its just a fuse or relay. tom
check for a relay that also turns on the condenser fan...they are usually (the compressor and fan) on the same relay and if it is bad neither will come on
Thanks a ton guys I will do this tomorrow and report my Results, SORRY BIGJOEL, for hijacking thread!
Didn't have much time tonight but I put 12 volts to compresser and it started spinning, so maybe a relay? If So we're abouts would it be?
SORRY FOR STILL STEALING THREAD!! FUPA AND OLDMAN, i have been run regad on this thing today, i followed the wires and tested most everything, i have no power going into or out of AC box, the switch is good and i checked it, i have followed the wires to a relay behind the glove box, i bought a new relay and still nothing, from the relay i see a harness running into a black box about the size of 4x6 inchs, does this box have anything to do with the ac?? if it does would this be the prblem??? i cant find anything else wrong, i put 12v to the wire behind the dash going to the compresser and it works, i turned the blower on and i have ac! but somewheres there is still the problem, if you think this is the black box i wil go from there. IF NOT!!! would it be possible to wire a switch to the compresser and the fan, and just turn it on as i want? would this be a problem, i would only consder doing this is i can not find the problem thanks!! looking forward to your replies!!! ps, i cannot find any fuses between any of this!!! there is no power comming out of the relay:SS?? but power going in, so im a little lost
You have a thermostat somewhere too that turns on and off the compressor. I would have to open the black box to see whats inside, just me. There could be another relay inside for the thermostat or not but you gota look inside and tell us what it is. When you put voltage to the compressor does the radiator fan turn on too, if so you can always switch power to it manually, you just wouldnt have a thermostat, but would cool you till you get a wiring diagram. tom
Theres the pics of the black box thing, i am going out now to check the wires on the thermostat, posiably a bad thermo stat? any way to check? (Thermostat might be telling compressor to turn off????) i can reply on the fly on my phone, but have to go into house to upload pics, i can reply or see anything you post instantly, im appriciating your help
Problem solved!!!!! It was the harness going into the black box, I checked the connectors from the thermostat and they were bent a bit not making connection, I made sure they connected when I plugged it and it works great!!!! Pretty painful I pretty much had the truck apart for That, but I'm happy with it working! I really appriciate your help I wouldn't of stayed determined without ya!! Thanks!!
Now you know lots more when you have another problem, good job. NEVER be afraid to tackle your truck as long as you can carry the parts!