Hi All I am working on a 98 Acty 4x4 manual that belongs to my friend. A few weeks back, the truck fired right up after sitting overnight, but as soon as he gave it some gas it stumbled and died. We determined that the carb was not getting any fuel and as soon as the float bowl was dried up the truck died. I checked the fuel pump and it was not getting any power with the key on or while trying to crank it over. We pulled the hose from the carb and hot wired the pump and it was pumping fuel. We shot some carb cleaner into the air box while cranking and it fired up and ran as long as you kept spraying. We did check for spark and it was sparking fine. We hot wired the pump while cranking it over and it would still not start. I can hear and feel the fuel pump working when hot wired. I ran the fuel pump for about 15 seconds and figured it would be enough to fill the float bowel and fire up the motor but it would not start. with the the fuel pump working and motor cranking over, I don't know why it is not firing up. I see there are 2 solenoids on the carb. Do they get power from the same power lead as the fuel pump ? It is odd it cranks with cab cleaner shot into the air box but not when the pump is hot wired. I checked the turn signal / fuel fuse it it was ok and the turn signals all work. I know there is the fuel pump controller behind the glove box, The controller has a blue, black and yellow/black wire. I have not had a chance to meter it, I do not have a wiring diagram, so I am not sure what wire goes where. Does anyone have any ideas ?
sounds like the floats might be stuck, by that I mean the needle valve. I would try tapping on the carb case, with a hammerlike tool. But my carb is not in its box any more. I didn't put that white plastic cover back when I rebuild it a few years back. It doesn't get really cold around here. I just looked at some pictures of all that, I believe you can take the top cover off fairly easy. It could be the fuel cut solenoid, one of the two on the side, it's the smaller of the two without the hose on it. It cuts fuel to the idle jets, when key is off. You can hear it click when it turns on. if it is not clicking. try this: while starting it with cleaner, have some one push throttle down to make it run off the, run jets. As long has you are get the rpm up enought (off the idle jets) it will run. if you can keep it running this way, it tells you that there is no fuel to the idle jets. replace the fuel cut solenoid. or you may have to clean the carb. I'd pull the carb out, just to have a look inside. But I do love taking things apart. You can get a better look/listen to the fuel cut sol, with the carb off too. Just had a better thought. You can pull the solenoid out and cover the hole with your finger, that will let fuel to the idle jets too. never done that, but I would do that first.
Would the solenoids on a carb cut power to the fuel pump? When we turn the key to on or crank over the engine there is no power to the fuel pump.
no, the solenoids just power up when key is on. no connection to fuel pump. the fuel pump is powered by the fuel cut relay under dash, it is covered in this post https://minitrucktalk.com/threads/factory-electrical-manual-94-6.20581/#post-137908