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95 Every

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Marsla81, Feb 16, 2022.

  1. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    Hey everyone. I recently picked up a 95 Every. Since i live in the states, i am struggling finding parts i need. Im hoping to meet some like minded people and share ideas and tips while i upgrade my van. Thank you everyone.
    punimog and t_g_farrell like this.
  2. CVP33

    CVP33 Active Member

  3. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    Thank you for your support.
    CVP33 likes this.
  4. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

    I tried them and they don't carry Carry parts LOL. I've used First Global in Jacksonville FL (good service, I order the wrong parts), megazip (an order is coming in now with radiator hoses), G&R Imports via an order I put in with my dealer. Theres an ebay seller out of the phillipines that has parts as well and a bit cheaper than the japanese parts houses.

    One thing to note on the vans, they do not always take the same parts as the trucks. If the part number is not the same for both, make sure you get the van part.

    I use this site to look up part numbers as it seems to be very accurate: https://partsouq.com just put in your chassis number DE51V-XXXXX and it will take you to a page that looks like this to find parts:

  5. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

  6. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    I appreciate all your help. Its nerve racking trying to find parts. This will be so helpful. Thank you
  7. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    It is not a joy pop. Its DF51V Every Join. I believe its the standard model. Nothing fancy. Ive tried to upload more pictures but its saying the images are too large.
  8. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

    Yeah I think that right. The joypop came with a radio and speakers. Can't wait to see what yours came with.
  9. Horn Hunter

    Horn Hunter Member

    Resize your images down to "best for email" size.
    t_g_farrell likes this.
  10. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    What program are you using to resize?
  11. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    It came with an AM radio with a speaker attached to the front.
  12. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

    Looks like he is using MS Photos.
  13. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

  14. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member


    Attached Files:

    installater and t_g_farrell like this.
  15. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

    What size tires/wheels are those? Looks nice.
  16. Marsla81

    Marsla81 New Member

    They are stock steel rims 145/12. I just upgraded to a 14 inch rim. It is .5 inches wider. image1.jpg

    Attached Files:

  17. Horn Hunter

    Horn Hunter Member

    MS Photos
  18. t_g_farrell

    t_g_farrell Well-Known Member

    Do us all a favor and add the info to your signature about the van, make, model, year any mods etc. It will make it easier later as you post up for help or info.

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