If its the one im talking about you take off the float cover and unscrew jet from the right side of the float bowl, it screws in the very bottom of the bowl and goes clear through the bottom of the bowl and into the main carb body. Thats the main jet and if it leaks around the 0 ring at the bottom end of jet it will run real rich. My jet had a solenoid on it too.
not sure, Ive never done it you need to post them here so others can see too. we need to get you the best fix
Valve seals usually cause smoking on start up from oil draining down from valve cover area over night and rings all the time.
No it is not tough if you know what ur doin. You have to talk to someone local and get a ring compressor and advice b4 you start so you dont do something wrong. Its not hard at all but you have to know how to do it right. Did you hone the cylinders and check the ring end gap to make sure their not too worn or did you bore the cylinders and get new pistons and rings?
Ok thanks haven't broken into it yet but intend to hone. Have you heard of aisan Carburetor? I need a needle and seat or do you know where I could find one that will work?
Dont remember exactly what it looks like but you can take it to a small engine shop and see if they can match the needle.
Do u think the leaking needle could be my prob all along? Got new needle in from local carb shop that seams to be a good fit... still smoking bad but hoping it is residual crud. If the needle does solve it how long do you think it will take to burn all the crud off and stop smoking?
no, could be in muffler, let it get real hot and drive for a while. Loosen crankcase vent hose and see if lots of blow by comes out with engine running, some is ok but a lot indicates worn rings. You can crack oil filler cap with engine running and see if smokey air blows out or if clean air goes in and out as pistons go up and down.Just coming out indicates ring blow by and oil usage. Oil could be in the muffler so get it good and hot, it will smoke more as it heats up and then stop, but for oil to be in exhaust is never good. Let us know if you smell gas from exhaust pipe tho.
I agree with oldoldoldman the gunk is most likely crap needing to be burned out of the exhaust..also check your oil level if it is too full you will burn oil as well..if the float needle was leaking there may also be fuel in the oil pan and that's not good..leave the filter on and drain/replace the oil in the pan if it smells like gas
Yes carb was over fueling and was getting lots of fuel in crankcase. Pulled the oil panoff because I was getting ready to do rings but now I believe leaking needle to be culprit. Gonna change plugs and oil filter now and hope for best Wouldn't fuel gather in oil filter and further cause smoking?
yes it would...don't think it would be much....but you're right it would be best to replace it as well....
Well I let it run for about 30 minutes and then the plugs fouled. And it spears there might be fuel in crankcase. Opened oil cap and there is constant smoke coming out...
also possible you have a clogged exhaust..it will cause plug fouling and crankcase pressure...unbolt the 2 spring bolts at the bottom of the downpipe and just pull the exhaust away from the manifold without removing it...see if it runs any better...
Got 140 psi on all 3 cylinders which.should be acceptable. Unhooked the exhaust and it appears to have much better throttle but still smoking but not as bad!!! Now what?
Know this is a long shot because the post s so old, but here goes...My truck came with the coolant lines capped off on the carb, therefore my truck is always in high idle. I would like to reconnect them. I saw fupabox's link for the cooling system & there is a good diagram in it, but I am still not quite sure where to tap the lines to the carb from, especially the return line. Can someone please explain or better yet post a pic of theirs showing me where to get these lines from....
Can't answer your question directly as I am not familiar with your vehicle. Go to suzuki.epcdata.ru/carry/ and do some exploring. You should be able to find parts diagrams of where the hoses connect to & from. Fred