Ok, have you unscrewed the jet/coil with wires on the right side of the carb by the float bowl or taken off the cover of the float bowl? Another thought is let it warm up some then tie choke open to see if is runs ok then.
I have taken the float bowl cover ofF . Also the needle and slide. What exactly are you talking about to the right of carb
Ok, you have an s81 550 motor right? Does it have the electric solenoid under the float bowl on the right side?
Yes that's what I have and I see what I believe to be the solenoid. Only thing under float bowl with wires...now truck wont start I just put new plugs in yesterday and i believe they are already fouled out with gas
Ok, here is your fix. The solenoid has an O ring on the end of it and if it has been out then is probably bad and all sorts of gas will get through. Its a real small O ring. If the float bowl cover has been off then a bad gasket on it will cause starving idle but if the O ring on the wired jet is missing or damaged then you must fix it first or it will flood with gas. tom
too much gas = foul or too much oil will foul them. Unscrew the wired jet and look at the end for O ring to see if it is ok, it has to be good good. If its bad gas goes around jet as well as though it.
ok i think i see where to go now from looking at previous threads. hope fully that will get me going.
do you have spark? starting fluid help? smell raw gas at tail pipe? these are all clues. It should hit some and try to start after all night if just flooded. tom
Take a spark plug out and see if it is wet with gas. Do you have compression? Check timing and see if it jumped time because of loose timing belt. Dry all plugs off and reinstall them, hold choke open and start engine, it should at least try to start for a short time even if too much gas is going in.
Ok timing is still where I had it set and I have good spark and pumping fuel. Next I will have to check compression but don't think I have bent valves but rings could be shot. What do y'all think?
You would have to had it real hot and with all the water boiled out of the engine. The rings should be ok unless you ran it with no oil. Do a compression test or try to hold your finger over a spark plug hole while someone cranks it, it should be very hard to keep finger there. Dry spark plugs and try to start again, when you take plugs out after cranking and trying to start see if they are wet with gas,if not then probably not flooded. tom
Ok will get a comp tester in morn. I had good comp after I put valves In . I knew rings were a bit worn but not bad enough to replace considering use of truck. Don't know what else could have changed. ? Points? Rings? Gone from running good to rough to not cranking in 2morn days! ! Ha
You have to figure out if its gas problem or spark problem or compression. It should at least run poorly if these things are even close to right. Rings wont go that fast unless you were smoking reallllllll bad, real bad.
have you ever adjusted the valve clearances ? they can also cause some nasty problems but it should start even adjusted poorly
Yes I adjusted valve clearance when I did valve job. Got spark fuel and decent compression. Opened valve cover and there is a lot of standing oil in there
NOT rings, is stuck float or needle valve, get all the gas out cause it dilutes oil. Did you check spark plugs for being wet with gas?
yes ...the gas in the crankcase will keep it from starting as well as it raises the oil level and will push oil/gas back into the carb through the pcv and exacerbate the problem
2 things will get gas into crank case, stuck float or broken diaphragm in fuel pump that leaks into crank case where lever to run pump is . Its never good to run rich or have gas on cylinder walls because it washes oil off. Since you said plugs were wet then I think it is stuck float. tom
should i pull the carb and rebuild it? or take it to a carb shop and let them do it? Mechanic at G&R Imports said they could have a rebuild kit here in 4 weeks. Unless yall know where i could find one? Between my auto choke problem and now sticking float, I believe i will cut my losses. I wish I could just find a whole new carb for it.
As for me I think you should take the carb off and take pictures of it as you take it apart to get to know what each part does. That way you can fix it in the future and not guess so much as to whats wrong. Look at each part of it and see if it is doing what it is suppose to do. They are really not that complicated, float keeps even amount of gas ready at a constant level and can be tested by hooking a plastic hose to carb and letting gas run down into carb with cover off float to see if it fills up and stops without overflowing .Idle jet lets small amount through at idle and has to have a good gasket on float bowl cover to work right. Your problem is probably the float is stuck or the needle valve it moves is stuck. The other thing is the O ring on the end of the main jet with the wires on the right side of the carb, that O ring is very small and has to be good. Carburetors dont go bad or wear out that fast and if it was running ok short time ago then your dont need to rebuild it just repair the one thing that just went wrong. Parts are kinda hard to come by so fixing your own is very rewarding and saves a lot of money, you just need to go slow and look at each part, we will help you. tom