not even a please. . . I don't have 89. . . 94-96. as far as I know it's the same. thats 14 pages. not complaining just the scanner is not set up right now and I'm every busy this week end. I'll get to it monday. I believe some of it is already posted somewhere here, maybe some one could put all of the post with pages I did for others , into one spot. just the picture part. When I offered up a "page or two" in the begining, to help others and now people are asking for whole sections, I am not suppost to publish the whole electrical manual.
Sorry I'm just new to this page, would they be somewhere I could purchase an electric manual, the help would be highly appreciated
244 pages to download It is full of diagrams and schematics that are easily understood by a professional mechanic. How to do an engine overhaul using the correct parts sizes, ....