Good weather driving

Discussion in 'Daihatsu Hi jet' started by jtpc, Apr 14, 2009.

  1. jtpc

    jtpc Member

    Been driving my Hijet the last few days to school because the weather here in Oklahoma has been good for a change (as in no super wind).
    My fuel economy is definitely better (not to mention the truck being more fun to drive without the wind holding me back).
    Usually I am at 80-90km when my tank hits 3/4 and this time my tank is between full and 3/4 and I'm at 90km, so I'm estimating maybe even 40+mpg for the first time. Woohoo! :)
    I would have filled up today just to see what the fuel economy was, but it would have only been a dollar or so to fill it back up, so I didn't bother.

    Just wish the weather was this mild more often.
  2. blueyedcurls

    blueyedcurls New Member

    I just recently purchased a 96 Suzuki Carry and the first day I drove it, it was storming!! I was NOT prepared for how much the wind would blow you around. Scared me to death!! But I'm sure the freezer box on the back didn't help any either. I'm really hoping that kind of driving isn't the norm. I too live in oklahoma just south of Tulsa.

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