New guy From Media PA

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Matt Godwin, May 25, 2024.

  1. Matt Godwin

    Matt Godwin New Member

    Just bought a 1998 DiaHatsu Midget II. Trying to get my hand on a left side door for a 1996 that actually rolls down. 1998 is fixed window with now crank. HELP!?
  2. JadynCuevas

    JadynCuevas New Member

    Welcome to the forum, fellow micro truck enthusiast! Finding parts for a Daihatsu Midget II can be a bit of a treasure hunt, especially for specific things like doors. Here are a few ideas that might help you track down that left-side rolling door for your '98.

    Junkyards and import parts specialists. Calling around to junkyards that specialize in Japanese imports could be a good option. They might have a wrecked Midget II with a salvageable door. You could also search online for import parts specialists who might stock Daihatsu parts.

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